I visited a friend of mine in her home. I got to meet her youngest daughter
named Lisa, who had just graduated from her hairstyling course. Meeting Lisa
was like meeting a very close friend because we have the same interest. We get
to talking about hairstyling and that was when I had a free lesson on hair
extensions. She showed me some of hair extensions which were delivered to her
few days ago. These she bought online from https://equeenahairstore.com.
took out a bundle to show me and mentioned that those are virgin
hair extensions. She explained that virgin hair is from a single donor and
she could be a Brazilian, Indian, Peruvian, Mongolian or Malaysian. Virgin hair
is natural human hair. Before we buy any hair extensions, we will need to know
something about them.

about Indian hair? It is thick and coarse and easy to straighten. If we want full
hair that are sleek and shiny then Indian hair is
good. Both Brazilian hair and Indian hair will last longer is it is well taken
care of.
there is a need to wear a hair extension, we want it to remain as natural as
possible. Choosing a lace frontal creates a natural hairline and we can even
wear our hair away from our forehead. The fine and thin threads of the lace frontal
enables us to match any skin type. It is made of pale material and we can
easily colour to suit our skin if necessary. The lesson ended when I have to
end my visit.
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