Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Homemade Pork Jerky And Meat Prawn Springrolls

WHEN WE ARE NOT OUT SHOPPING, we spend time cooking at home.... This trip is a relaxing one for us, no rush now since we are in our golden age.  :). When it comes to cooking, we plan it one day in advance so that everything we need to have is within reach.  One fine evening, we decided to do some pork jerky again and tgat task was given to me as usual.  And another dish suggested is Lobak with beancurd skin, minced meat and prawns.  Yes, we brought over some beancurd skin from Malaysia....

The night before the cooking started, we marinated our meat somthat they are well seasoned for next day's cooking and baking....
All the ingredients added...
After all being mixed... The minced meat is very fine....
Into the fridge it goes... Very well marinated for the whole night....
Into the oven it goes the next day...
Time to cut it up....
Turned over to get the right colour...

One pound of pork jerky done...
My sister's specialty..... Lobak aka Or Hiang...or Springrolls...
Fry them in slow fire....
Some parts went missing as the frying was being done....
Test tasting was the excuse... Lol...
That was the remainder when lunch was served...
Our humble lunch... Springrolls, Kimchi, cucumber salad, ginger chicken, big onion omelette...
Very Blurry picture... Must be due to the hunger.... Lol...


  1. Wahhhhhh!!!! You, bak kua expert now, eh? Lo bak looks great too!

  2. You are both very good chefs! Your Mom taught you?

  3. Don't forget about me when you are in Johor, wink wink, lol...

  4. That's a complete & perfect meal. I am surprised to see you guys using the bean curd skin.

  5. you are indeed the bak kwa expert. can sell next CNY.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...