Monday, April 24, 2017

Karaoke Session With The Dancing Queens


My sister arranged for a Karaoke session at the KP dine and wine... There are certain packages to choose from, since there were only six of us ladies, we opted for the minimum package of $60. It comes with three hours non-stop singing, two pizzas and two side dishes, fried chicken wings and three types of drinks.  Not a bad deal actually.... And we were ushered to a small room with two mikes, two tamborines and powerful music!  
Not wanting to,waste time, we quickly choose our songs from a big text folder and our enjoyment began... Yes, we took a couple of videos of purselves, singing our voices out and dancing to the rock music... Lol... Not fit to be published here though, I wouldn't want to make my readers "tortured" in a way... Lol...

When our three hours singing session was over, it was so much fun that we started planning our next Karaoke outing again... We are looking forward to our practice again... American Idol... Here we go!!  Lol...
Getting ready to be picked up... Lol...
With my Filipino and Candian friends....
Looking forward to singing and dancing with you girls again!!


  1. I love karaoke! Have been singing a lot of karaoke during my younger days, attending karaoke sessions almost twice a month, those were the days!

    1. By the way, sounds like a great deal with three hours of singing, food and three types of drink

  2. Have not sung for years now, miss it so much. Sobssss!!!!

  3. What fun! I have never done this. I bet you had some Abba in the mix!

  4. Aiyo, no video, would loves to hear you sing, hehe...

  5. can see that all of you girls are having good, clean fun. very nice! enjoy! have more of these sessions!

  6. When it comes to singing, I am In!! 😄

  7. Now I am kind of missing karaoke. Missed the time I were single and sing to my heart content! Lol.

  8. I have been begging friends to go for karaoke as I find it the best therapy to release stress.

    You looked so young and stylo posing outside the house.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...