Saturday, April 15, 2017

Modern Vs Traditional - Which One Wins In The World Of Business?


One of the biggest challenges that many business owners face these days is whether to go down the traditional or modern route for doing business. These two different options are available in different areas of business, from creating advertising campaigns to organizing the day to day running of the company. So, which is really better? Here are some of the things you need to consider before you decide.


Traditional advertising consisted of sending out thousands of flyers to people in your company’s local area and paying for advertising space in newspapers and magazines. However, the advertising scene has recently been revolutionized thanks to the dawn of social media. These days, there are lots of chances to get your business’s name out there to a wide audience without even paying a penny. You just need to make sure that you are on top of your social media game and producing tweets and posts that people want to share. Thanks to social media, modern forms of advertising are definitely more valuable than the traditional methods in today’s society!



Finance is another area in which traditional and modern methods are going up against each other. Previously, entrepreneurs hired accountants to make sure that their books and accounts were up to scratch. The accountant also filed the company’s taxes each year. However, thanks to the development of a lot of new financial software, more and more business leaders are now able to do this themselves. These online programs make it incredibly easy to file taxes, order business checks, and set up a payroll. In fact, it’s so convenient, you could become your own accountant! However, some entrepreneurs still prefer to liaise with an accountant so that they are 100% sure all their calculations are correct! Plus, an accountant knows all the tax loopholes that you might not be aware of!


Just a few years ago, companies had to place job adverts in local newspapers and hoped that job seekers saw them. However, this has completely changed over the past few years thanks to the Internet. These days, there are many websites dedicated to job postings. All you need to do is sign up, place your advert, and you can guarantee that hundreds of people will see it. Professional social media websites, like LinkedIn, are also a great way to connect directly with job seekers and freelancers whose skills you might want in your business.


Project Management

Organization has never been more easier now that we have tech on our side. Gone are the days of keeping notes and diaries in paper form - now you can organize these on your computer or tablet device! There are now many different project management and organizational apps that you can download to help you stay on top of all your work. And you will never miss a meeting or important appointment again!

Even though it may look like modern methods win traditional ones, it is important you research fully the ones that are best for you. But this is all down to your type of company!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...