Friday, May 26, 2017

Don't Let Employers Forget About You

Have you been struggling in the job market lately? You’re not alone. A lot of people find it very difficult to obtain a job in the field that they were hoping for. Instead, they are forced to settle for something a little further afield. Usually, this is simply because they just miss the cut of what the employer is looking for. If you’re worried about this happening to you, you must make sure you find a way to make yourself stand out more. Don’t forget that on average an employer will spend sixty seconds looking at your resume. That might not seem like enough time to impress, but if you take the right steps, it can be.
Push A USP
Your first step must be to make sure that you have something that makes you completely different from the competition. There are a few options here. For instance, you could learn a second language. Being bilingual would certainly make you a more attractive hire. Particularly, when the whole world is now something of a melting pot. It’s very unlikely that all of your customers will have the same culture or even speak the same language. Don’t forget most businesses are also globalised, so you will probably be interacting with clients from further afield.
It might also be a unique piece of experience separating you from anyone else. For instance, you might have worked for Disney. Believe it or not, an employer might ring you up for the interview, just so they can find out what it was like. The point here is that anything that feels or seems different might be worth considering.
Blog ‘Til You Drop
You may also want to think about setting up a blog. A blog can be used for a whole range of purposes. You can show employers another side of yourself. Or, you might just use it as an extended resume. Rather than handing in the typical two sheet, give them a whole site to explore your past experiences. If you make it interesting and attractive, you certainly maintain their attention and ensure that they do consider you for the job.
If you want to take things one step further, you need to make sure your blog feels and looks different. One of the ways to do this would be by adding fresh images and content onto it. You can obtain royalty free images online and make sure that your blog looks absolutely terrific. You may also which to consider getting some guest posts to spice it up a little and to boost your network.
Dress To Impress
Finally, when you do attend the interview, you should make sure that you are already well presented and dressed like a successful business woman or man. This will show that while you may not need the job, the employer would be crazy not to hire you. Essentially you need to come across as a winner and as someone who can take the company to the next level on the market.

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