Thursday, May 25, 2017

Farming On A Holiday

ITS NOT ALL PLAY AND EATING ... At times we have to work hard for our food, lodging and touring!  LOL...

Just kidding... holidays is just all about relaxing, eating, shopping, sleeping and least of all, sweating out in the fields.  The weather now is getting dry, it is time to do some planting to get a good harvest in a couple of weeks.  To get things going, firstly, we have to clean up the fertile land with John Deere, plough it nicely and thirdly, the greens are planted.  Daily watering and talking to them will speed their growth, I was told.  So each evening we were instructed to go to the fields to "talk" to them.... LOL..
A cleaned-up portion for the vegetables...
Working hard for our keeps under the hot sun....
Okay, let's go and lend a hand to the farmer....
Here I go......
Taking a breather...

Zucchini baby....
That's our helper, John Deere....
Phewwww... After a Hard Day's Work...
This is one way of staying slim and less rounded... 


  1. You know or not? Take photo only lah tu! Muahahahahaha!!!!

  2. Good, exercise a bit so that we can eat more later, hahah!

  3. You are the prettiest farmer ever!

  4. This is the best way to exercise - farming! Get to be slim and also get to see the fruit of your labour later!

  5. And here I thought John Deere was your neighbour until I realized 'why did that name sound familiar?' LOL

  6. I am sure there will be strong sense of satisfaction when seeing the fruits of your labour

  7. All credit goes to the real farmer... hahahaha.. As Suituapui said..for show only... hahahaa.. but I did learn a thing or two on planting these greens here on a fertile land... how I wish I could have this in Ipoh!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...