Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Fruits And Activities Of The Day

ACTIVITIES OF THE DAY STARTED AFTER OUR BREAKFAST... going to the garden of fruits again... continued on with the plucking of plums and nectarines, this time with a higher ladder and a taller man.
The ripe ones are right on top of the tree...
They get the direct sunlight than the ones at the lower ground...
And the pomegranate... they are going to ripe too....
Can still grow larger and larger in weeks to come...
The whole bunch of them are blooming...
This is the figs tree... I have yet to taste the figs...
I think they will be good in another couple of weeks...
After the plucking, it is time to do the cleaning of the pool....
Ok, for this one, I "action" only...
This cleaning needs expertise, definitely not from me but from the professionals...
No, these are not from the orchard... LOL...
We bought them outside in another farm...
These two boxes cost $20... 
And we are going to do strawberry shake later on... 
How not to be rounder in size?
Our picks for the day....
Stuffing ourselves with fruits and more fruits...
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.... 


  1. You will be so healthy, Claire! I have never seen pomegranates actually growing!! And gigs are coming! The fruit of the bible!

  2. I see all the fruits and I am in fruits heaven. If only I could be there - so nice!

  3. Left a comment in your old post "Our Harvest For The Day" so please approve the comment if you can, ok? Thanks.

    1. Thank you Mun... I have already done so.. sorry for not replying individually at times.. I really appreciate you all coming by...

  4. If u didn't mention, I thought from the Orchard...

  5. What a fantastic harvest! How I wish I could enjoy the fruits too :)

  6. Your sister's garden is so fruitful! Fresh juicy fruits who can resists.

  7. Wow! Those huge and red strawberries are so lovely!
    I remembered during Autumn, the fresh fruits were so damn cheap in US that I could find a gunny sack of red apples at US$2 only.

  8. Wow, wow, wow! I don't mind having these juicy fruits day and night and become rounded. How lucky devil you are, Claire.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...