Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Ladies' Day Out To Bukit Tambun

A LONG WEEKEND HOLIDAY, FOUR WHOLE DAYS!!  This year the Hari Raya falls on Sunday and therefore, there is a four days holiday altogether for the working people.  How nice for them all... everyone takes this long weekend to go back to their hometowns to celebrate this festive season while many others take this opportunity to go visiting to other states or overseas.  As for me, I stayed at home during the long weekend, be a good girl until today, Tuesday, it is time for a Get-Together with my old buddies!

A day before, messages through whatsapps were busy ding-donging here and there... plans were being finalized on where to go... First option was Gentings Premium Outlet and second choice is Bukit Tambun.  After some discussion, we opted for the latter... Bukit Tambun for Food is the better choice than shopping.  The shopping will  have to be put on hold because of the traffic jam at Gentings!

This morning as planned, my friends gathered at my house and from here, we seated ourselves comfortably and off we went.... Ladies' Day Out To The North!
Happily we set out... YAY!!!
Weather was beautiful.... 
With us ladies talking non-stop in the car, 
we reached our destination in no time!
From Ipoh to Bukit Tambun, it takes around 1 hour plus.... 
It has been more than 10 years since I last came here...
Or was it 20 years????
I cannot recall at all.... it must be many years ago.... 
We parked our car here... 
Our Lady Boss knows the way very well..
She said this place is the Best!
And so here we are.... 
We were the early birds though it was already noon...
Quite empty at the moment... but by the time we finished our lunch, 
the place was packed to the brim!
Fishing boats can be seen just next to the floating restaurant...
I think the fishermen were on "holiday" too...
By then the four of us were really hungry...
Only disappointment is that...the crabs were on "holiday" too....
We have to forego that... 
Seated comfortably under the cooling fan.... 
My ex-colleagues... from the young to the senior... LOL...
Our appetizer came out first.... 
How to eat this?
No way, just put it into our mouths... Fear Factor challenge!
Steamed Clams in lime sauce... yummy!
Fried oyster with eggs...
Potato leaves in sambal sauce.... very tasty....
And the steamed Garoupa.. 
Meaty and fresh....
And the total bill came to RM148 with rice and a jug of cooling drinks...
After filling our stomach, it is time to go for a stroll under the hot sun.... 
*Burn off the calories*
We ventured into the narrow lane and "surveyed" this little town.... 


  1. Tambun biscuits originated from there?

    1. Not so sure.. but they have those over there at the shops too...

  2. The food very delicious! What a happy outing!

    1. hahaha.. even with the traffic jam, all of us feel good!

  3. Great company, good food, glorious weather...perfect!

    1. Coming back to Ipoh, there was a drizzle.. but all was good.. Thank God!

  4. Steam clams in lime sauce is nice, oh that potato leaves in sambal sauce also nice and that fish....haha all the dishes look nice!

    1. hahaha.. they are quite tasty.. all the dishes..

  5. What a beautiful day it was!! So special to keep up with your ex working pals, too! And a pretty view of the boats on the river.

    1. Yes, we like going out of town to survey other towns.. hahaha

  6. I want the clams. No fear factor for me. Hehe.

    Nice ladies' outing.

  7. So who won the fear factor challenge? :D

  8. I love eating there. A real seafood haven with delicious dishes


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...