Monday, June 19, 2017

No Shopping But Bonding

 NO MORE SHOPPING FOR NOW... Our bags are full to the brim, my two suitcases are reaching 50lbs and that is the maximum.  My hand luggage is 20lbs and it should be 15lbs max.  I have another backpack on my back and a handbag in front.  Sigh.. ladies like me... we never stop learning, right?  I mean I cannot resist buying even though my bag is bloated, I still want to find the smallest space I can find to chuck the loots in.  Eventually, I have to "sacrifice" some of things behind, my old clothes plus a few new ones.

So... these few days, we are very "behaved."  Instead of shopping, we spent our time eating... that was in my previous post... and we went to pamper ourselves doing pedicure, going to our friend's house for good food and company... and for the remaining time, we have family bonding playing "mahjung", chatting at the patio in the evening and going for a "holler-coaster"ride around the vicinity.... Good girls, right?  LOL...
Some of the Food prepared by the hostess and a dish or two by us...
The desserts are superbest!

Our Asian friends... 
Being pampered instead of going shopping till dropping...
Showing off their well done work and not our elephant feet.... LOL....
Family bonding time at the patio..... 
And now.... shall we go for a drive???
I promise I will drive safely....
Unfortunately the Car Owner said No, I cannot be the driver...
Instead I shall be a passenger instead... 
Get belted up, girl!!
And the Holler-Coaster began... 
Taped it all on video... with all the ooohhh...ahhhhsss.. screamsssss...


  1. nice to read about your enjoyable bonding stay with your sister and family! so fun!

  2. Me not into shopping, so eating and bonding would be my thing :)

  3. I love laughing Claire riding in this beautiful convertible!! Sad that you cannot shop anymore, but you have so many other adventures!

  4. Bonding time with family is always so precious, you must have had an enjoyable and good time bonding with your sisters and family, do treasure them

  5. Eating and bonding would be Phong Hong thing, walking and bonding will be my thing, hehe...

  6. Goodness! What a shopping queen! I thought their dollars are too high but Claire is rich woman now. NVM LOL.
    I love to sit in convertibles and go for a fast spin! Zoooooom!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...