Monday, July 3, 2017

Tourist Attraction Mural Art Experience At Wisma Chye Hin, Ipoh

WHEN NANCY SUGGESTED TO GO OLD TOWN TO CHECK OUT A NEW PLACE, I was all ready to go with her.  Three months absence from Ipoh, I was looking forward to seeing the changes in old town.  She told me that this Mural Arts is at Wisma Chye Hin, for several moments,  I couldn't recall where that place is even after she described the locality... I really must have lost touch where is where.... LOL....

And thus we set out to this new discovery... and to our delight, there was one empty parking lot just in front of the entrance of this Chye Hin building!  Feeling excited, I quickly exit from the car and took a few pictures before proceeding up and up the stairs....
Let's go!  It's free entrance for all....
The 3-D art right at the entrance.. 
Resembles a foot?
And on the way up, the wall murals are displayed along the staircase.... 
Old Town Ipoh in 1920s...
On the way up, this caught my attention.... 
And as we went up... these were in store...
Ipoh Tin Mining Days...
Dim Sum is the attraction of Ipoh from those days till today.... 
The Sun Cinema.. cheapest tickets sold here then... 
I was a regular here during my younger days...
That was how tickets were sold those days...
Those born during my time are familiar with these movies... LOL..
The milk which "brought" me up to what my size is today... LOL...
This is nicely drawn...

My friend who brought me here to experience the nostalgic days....
UP and UP we went... 
Altogether five floors..and surprisingly we did not feel any tiredness walking up and up....
On both sides, there are vacant lots to be rented out...
Hope this place will be bustling with people the next time we come again.... 
Thank you Nancy for bringing me here....
Indeed another attraction for those who are visiting IPOH!


  1. Very nostalgic. I remember Saturday Night Fever!

  2. Fruitful outing with you! Expecting more attractions to be added.

  3. vacant lots to be rented out for ? retail spaces? just read this on Nancy's blog too. You girls sure know how to have fun! very good!

    1. This is the time where we have time to do that...


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...