Friday, August 11, 2017

Swimming And Gym Are Her Hobbies

ALL FOOD AND NO EXERCISE MAKES US LADIES WORRY... at least for me if not for my girl, she is the tiny one, nevertheless that did not deter her from going for her regular workout, either at the pool or at the gym.  She loves exercising whereas I love rest-sitting.  I am the lazy-to-move type, I prefer to stay glued to the chair in the house.  But due to some "pushing" from her,  I have to follow her around...

I don't mind going to the pool, I do not have to sweat and workout as in the gym.  All I do at the pool is just to jump in and swim wade... to be more precise, walk and wade... walk and wade... Someone told me that it is good to wade in the pool, good for the back and legs and that was exactly what I did in the pool.  Did a number of rounds up and down the pool and I felt that I have lost a lot of calories!  LOL.....
I am not kidding... we are exactly here at the pool doing our workouts...
Looks like me...
Unfortunately that was not me....
How I wish I could swim like that....
But I am IN the pool.. no doubt about that...
Wading and walking instead of swimming....
On other evenings, I shed my calories here at the gym....
Tread machine and cycling are very boring... 
What I normally do is to switch on music...
And practise my line dancing steps here.. 
Big mirrors.. big space..
Till someone enters and I am back on the treadmill again!


  1. So this pool is at the gym? It is very large and beautiful! Yes, walking in the pool is very good for your muscles! That is prescribed as therapy here.

    1. Near the gym.. good to hear that it is good therapy!

  2. You dunno how to swim? Just play water? :D

  3. I could not see you in the pool either. You should stand by the pool in bikini and flex muscles. Wakakakaka

    1. Flex Muscles??? Wahhhh. I hope to do that one day!!

  4. I did aquaerobic before. Aerobic in the water. It is much more work because in water, you are fighting with the water and for balance. But very good workout.

    Sometimes I do my aquaerobic in my pool when kids go for their swim.

    Long time did not go to the gym.

    1. You are good then!! I cannot even balance myself at certain times in the water!

  5. Your girl has a very good hobby!

  6. Like your girl, I enjoy swimming and going to the gym. Enjoy dancing too!

  7. I like to run on treadmill when I go to gym, can lose a lot of weight, I tried before, but after that stop and weight grows back again :(

    I don't know how to swim like you and just play with water whenever I go swimming pool

  8. I prefer swimming in the pool which is more relaxing than sweating it out in the gym. Ha ha ha...

  9. ask her to teach you swimming so both of you can swim together.


Thank you, readers!

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