Wednesday, October 25, 2017

How To Jet Off With Peace Of Mind

Being able to travel the world is a privilege for most people that isn’t often afforded by most. The luxury of seeing new places and the excitement of heading off on a warm, sunshine-filled trip is something to look forward to and getting prepared for it is part of the fun. But the summer songs you listen to that get you in the mood for your break never seem to talk about the practical side of jetting away.
They don’t talk about remembering your passport or applying for visas. They don’t talk about updating your health insurance to include your travels and they don’t talk about getting your home as secure as possible before you go away. There isn’t much that can spoil a holiday, but coming home to find the house has been broken into or the windows smashed puts a huge downer on the restful time you’ve just had. There are some things you can do to secure your house before you go away, and so we’ve put five of those things together for you below so that you can be well-prepared for your homecoming.
  1. Stay Off Social Media. Going on holiday is fun for everyone, but telling the world about it is not exactly a good idea. Don’t post up any holiday photos until after you’ve arrived home, especially on unsecured sites like Instagram or Twitter where your followers are unlikely to know you personally.
  2. Sweep The Locks. Before you leave the house to get to the airport, make sure that you go around the entire house and make sure all locks are tightened up and working. Speak to Eastway Lock Key to install locks on the windows that don’t have any and tighten up the garden gate. It’s a common-sense thing, really, to ensure your locks are working properly before you go away for a few days.
  3. Sockets Off. Aside from the fridge and the freezer, you need to ensure every single appliance is switched off so that you can minimise the fire risks while you’re gone.
  4. Fake It. These excellent timed switches are brilliant to use when you go away from home for an extended period of time. You can easily ensure that you give the impression that you are still home, simply by having the lights switch on in the evenings and off at bedtime.
  5. Hide The Signs. When you go away, you need to think about cancelling the milkman for the time you’re away so that people cannot see the bottles lining up outside. If you get the chance, ask a trusted neighbour to keep an eye on the house for you while you’re away and give them a spare key in case of an emergency situation.
Your holiday is supposed to keep you relaxed and refreshed, ready for the next tough cycle of commuting and home life before the next chance to get away. The last thing that you need is to come home to disaster. With our tips, you can avoid the chances of that happening at all.


  1. I just came back from a short trip last weekend and will head off again this weekend. Do i sound like you for living off the suitcase?
    This article is a timely good reminder to follow esp to stay off from internet.

  2. Hmm.. funny tips. But why do you offer staying away from social media? I always check travelers' profiles on social media, just to know about prices on and what to look for in a new place.


Thank you, readers!

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