Sunday, November 19, 2017

Food Galore In Penang Island

FROM JOHOR BOTH OF US FLEW UP NORTH.. to the Pearl of the Orient, Penang!

Penang has been in the limelight recently... for the first time in history, heavy rain had caused a massive flood in the island and in the mainland as well.  It has caused a big concern to all Malaysians and on the positive side, the phenomenon has brought the people together, united to help one another regardless of race. 

For both Aaron and I, we have a lot to be thankful for.... firstly, we were not affected by the flood, we were there a week before it happened.   Our plane schedule went on smoothly, the weather was fabulous and we spent our three days' stay filling our tummies with what we-see, we-eat food marathon...
We stayed at Cititel Express Hotel right in the middle of the town... 
Nearby to the shopping malls and accessible food places... 
Weather was hot and hotter each day... 
Some of the food which we took during our stay... 
More to these but somehow, the pictures were not in our camera... 
Reason for the "lost pics" must be due to our "fast food attack!"
Food for Two at Pulau Tikus...
Prawn noodles, Duck meat noodles, Laksa and Fried Koay Teow for dinner...
Thumbs Up for Penang!


  1. Lucky you! Cititel Express? Is that the same as the one at Penang Road, across the road from Red Garden Hawker Centre? We went there after our karaoke session with Eugene and the rest, remember? Miss the food so much! I hear Pulau Tikus is good too but I've never been.

    1. Not that one.. this one is express so it is much smaller.. and cheaper.. ehehe..

  2. Yes lucky not to be affected. Hope the storm has left pg for good. Ah, I want to eat the durian ice cream in your photos.

  3. Fancy food! I wish I could eat like you and stay as thin as you are! I am again on my diet, so starve all the time. My favorites are the gorgeous views!! The water, sky, and building landscapes are beautiful!

  4. Wah. Like a monthly food affair with Penang. You must love the food there to fly in from time to time. Haha. Love the last photo. Your partner in crime! Lol.

  5. We haven't met each other for quite some time! And you never bothered to ask me out, me isz sad... :(

  6. My tummy play drum jor see all these good food.

  7. My God! I am so tempted with all the food you all had. Looks like Penang is good for makaning. LOL!

  8. wah, indeed a lot of good food! I will surely gain a few kgs!

  9. Hopped over from Suituapui's blog and thought I would say hello! I really enjoy reading about your travels and places you are highlighting! Can't wait to read more!
    Jennifer @


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...