Friday, December 22, 2017

Five Unexpected Reasons Why People Want to Buy From You

In case you would like to run a successful eCommerce business, you might want to learn more about your potential customers and their preferences. People will never buy from your company: it is always personal. If you would like to provide what they are looking for, it is time to figure out what makes them tick and open their wallet, typing their credit card details in the small boxes. Read five unusual reasons why customers might decide to buy from you and not somebody else.
Image by PxHere

1.   They Feel Appreciated

You need to let your potential customers know that you value their business, and appreciate their visit to your site. Automate your communication, and send out updates. Make sure that you personalize every email and newsletter, and send out offers that are relevant to them. If you know that your customer has a cat, don’t send out dog products if you own an online pet shop. Make your customers feel valued, appreciated, and personally looked after, even if you never meet them.

2.   They Feel Like You are Doing them a Favor

Some customers are so happy to find the exact product they have been hunting for months that no price is too high. If you have a rare or unique product that is not available elsewhere, you can get them to buy almost immediately. Read an additional 20 tips to improve conversion rate on your website and get people to visit your online store with the clear intention of buying.

3.   You Offer Added Value

Instead of trying to enter the price competition, you should always think about ways of offering more value than other companies. Add free shipping, or even a handy guide to every order. It will not cost you much, but you can get more people to buy from you and not other companies. Give them something that they appreciate and believe in, such as reorder reminders, or an eBook to go with their purchase. If you sell small electronic items, you can throw in free batteries, too.

4.   You Have Testimonials

Image by Vimeo

When people shop online, they often check the reputation of the company and visit the testimonial page. Make sure that you ask for feedback from all your customers, as word-of-mouth advertising is powerful. You will be more trusted if you have a good feedback score and real people send you comments about your products.

5.   They Can Relate to You on a Personal Level

People who want to be like you, or feel like you have a lot in common with them will be more likely to buy your products. Don’t forget about the importance of personal branding when setting up your online store. Get people to comment on your videos, connect with them on social media, and ask them to participate in questionnaires. This way, they will feel like they already know you, and can trust your brand.

Whenever you are searching for ways of impressing your potential customers, try to find out what makes them buy from you and not other online store owners. 

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