Monday, December 18, 2017

Software and Success Go Hand in Hand in Business: Here's What You Need to Invest In!

In today’s digital and technological age, if you want your business to survive you absolutely have to be up to date with modern ways of doing things. Manual methods are tedious and time consuming, and you could be paying a human worker for hours of labour when a computer could do it in seconds. So even for small businesses, it’s worth researching what’s out there and choosing programs that are right for you. Here are some of the business softwares out there that could make your life so much easier as an entrepreneur.

Cloud Online Backup Software
Losing data could be a massive setback in your business, so you’ll already know that everything should be backed up and properly stored. The problem is, backing up to USBs, drives and other kinds of hardware still poses a problem. If a fire, flood or burglary claims your computers they will more than likely claim your backup copies too. One way to get around this is by backing up to the cloud. Here your data is encrypted for safety and stored securely online, that way if anything happens to your computer's your information is safe. It also means if you have employees that need to work remotely it’s easy for them to access the files they need without the tedious process of sending things over.

Security Software
Keeping your business safe is one of your biggest priorities as an entrepreneur. Fraud or theft could mean your hard work is taken from you and so keeping the bad guys out is important. If you need to verify identification or documents, there’s software which can allow you to know the true identity of your customers. That way you’re not lending money, hiring equipment or unintentionally breaking the law. Business internet security software can ensure you’re not being hijacked or targeted online, along with using common sense such as using complex passwords. As well as protecting your business physically you of course need to protect it online too which is why this is so important.

Finance Software
Keeping good records and accounts is a crucial part of any business. You’re likely to need an accountant to do things like your VAT and tax return, but for the day to day runnings of your company accounting software allows you to keep track and can make their life easier when it comes to wrapping everything up at the end of the tax year. This will make things quicker and will therefore be cheaper for you since you’ll be paying for less hours. It also means you’re less likely to end up with errors, this is important as if you underestimate the tax you need to pay you could end up with a fine or penalty or even a prison sentence if it’s deemed it was done intentionally. So of course, it pays to be extra cautious here.

A Live Chat Feature
Live chat is becoming more popular in business and for good reason. Instead of having to pick up the phone, customers can ask questions and have things resolved chatting online which many people are far more comfortable with. It’s quick and easy and can secure you more customers, since there will be cases where people are unsure of things but wouldn't necessarily call up to ask and just click off instead. Having fast access to a real person via instant messaging who can answer their questions could mean they shop with you instead.

A Blogging Platform
The benefits of blogging for business have been very well established. Not only does it help to drive more traffic to your site (as more pages get indexed by search engines) but it also boosts your page rank and helps to establish authority. Blogging helps to spread the word about your business through social media too, since blog posts are very share friendly. Wordpress integrates easily into websites, and it’s just a matter of adding regular, engaging content. If you’re not much of a writer, you can hire freelancers from many places online who are experienced in writing this kind of content. Otherwise this could be a job for one of your team members. Write content that’s linked to what you sell, and you show customers that you know your stuff. For example, if you sell clothing items you could write about fashion trends, styling tips, celebrity looks and more.

What software could your business not survive without? Were there any here which you havent implemented yet?

1 comment:

  1. Yesssss! Blogging is important tool today. Anyone wanna hire me? Hee Hee...


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