Sunday, December 3, 2017

Wantan Hor At Sg. Wang, Kampung Simee, Ipoh


No, actually I do not eat outside food all the time... Most of the time or evenings, I cook my own dinner... ahemmmm... but then I did not put up in this blog.  I am afraid that the dishes that I cook will receive a lot of "wide-eyes"... LOL... I normally do it the easy way, I "dump" whatever I could find in the fridge into the wok, dishes that no one can get them outside.  That is why I don't show them here in my blog if I can help it, either it draws laughter or receive the "What's This" look...

So.... on days when I eat outside, I post them up... and that makes my friends wonder why I take so much outside food all the time.... Alright, I think I should refrain, now as I am getting older, I must take care of my health.  Eating outside means lot of oil and MSG... *Must refrain.... refrain.... *

One fine evening, my friend and I had our dinner at Sg Wang, Kampung Simee.  We heard that their Wantan Hor is super good, we need to taste it for ourselves... verdict? 
Here it is!  Looks good??? 
As I said, once awhile.... okay la... 
We ordered a plate of Sambal Kangkung... not too spicy which is right for me... 
This is their signature dish... Omelette with a mixture of duck meat inside... 
Something very special.... and very tasty too!
And of course, unhealthy too!
Oh oh... after seeing these now, I need to go "detoxification"... 
OK, tomorrow boil plain porridge with sweet potatoes... no outside food, please... 


  1. Same here, I would not dare to post what I cook, mine will sure draw laughter...

  2. Don't think i tried omelette with mixture of duck meat before...

  3. I for one will not find your home cooked meals strange or weird so please feel free to show us your healthy home cooked meals. I eat out all the time so I hope I will die before 70.

  4. Had tried popiah skin with duck meat before but not omelette with duck meat.

    I like the wan tan hor and sambal kang kung.

  5. The omelet looks very good. I don't know how they managed to get it so thin! Every time I see food you cooked, it looks good. But anyway, looks do not count, it is how it tastes.

  6. Love the wantan hor and omelette with duck meat!

  7. I would love to try this Omelette with a mixture of duck meat inside! This is something new and tasty.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...