Tuesday, January 2, 2018

A Sponsored Set Before The Year 2017 Ended


My sibling told me that there is a promotion going on at Khim Wah Restaurant in Farlim.  This time the promotion is on the eight course set and it cost RM368.  If not mistaken this promotion will end somewhere in January so as to make way for the Chinese New Year in February.  By then the prices for this kind of set will no more be RM300 plus, probably a hundred ringgit more?  Yet to be seen... anyway, we went to "sample" the dishes before the year 2017 ended.... and the meal was "sponsored" by my sibling who is staying a thousand miles away from us.  *Kam Siah*
The blessed ones who came for the meal.... 
Fried Chicken in Thai Sauce... 
Followed by this... which needs no introduction... 
Steamed Garoupa...
Nicely cooked fresh prawns... 
And greens is a must in every meal... 
Fried rice with anchoives... as the last dish... 
Followed by two kinds of desserts to end the set meal.... 
Thank you Sis for the scrumptious meal...
Hope these pictures are clear enough to make you drool... 


  1. yes the photos are clear enough but where are the desserts?

  2. Yes, almost the same dishes like what we had. Ha ha...where are the desserts?

  3. What a feast, almost the same as what nancy posted hee hee

  4. Wahhhhh!!! So nice, sponsored. Makan free lah tu? So so so cheap!!! Here, at least 400 and above. I know one hotel here for Christmas and New Year at the Chinese restaurant, over RM800. They can eat it themselves lah! I don't have that kind of money to throw.

  5. So nice for sponsored meal. Envy you.

    Eyeing the crispy pork skin!!! ^^

  6. why say sponsored? your sister mah. so say sister gave you all a generous treat lah.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...