Monday, January 15, 2018

Hot Porridge At Hock Kee, Ipoh On A Cold Night

BACK TO IPOH.. we did not have time to cook and since it was a cooling evening, we went for hot porridge!  This is my second time eating at Hock Kee Teochew Porridge Restaurant.  Surprisingly, the place was almost occupied when we reached there around 7pm even though it was a weekday.  The first time I went, the place was quite empty... it must be getting quite popular as time goes by.  Good for them!

I remember the last time I came here,  I saw one table ordering claypot fish.. it looks kind of special so this round, I ordered out of curiosity... 
It came out something like this.... kind of "gelish" with the white dot there... 
Other than that, taste was alright... 
If I were to do it at home, I would do it differently... (minus the dot)

Ordered this too.... eat when it is hot... 
Salted fish minced meat beancurd which enhances the taste... 
Three dishes cost around RM50 with porridge and drinks.... 
The night was still young... and cold
But that did not deter us from getting two scoops for Baskin Robbins at Jaya Jusco...
Now... the night is complete... 


  1. That's a tilapia, the white dot is the eye, isn't it? I love bitter gourd omelette.

  2. I heard that teochew porridge is porridge served with small dishes right? We have it here in Kuching.

  3. Those are quite big dishes to be served with porridge.

  4. It all looks really good! Is that an omelet?

  5. Nice food. I am OK with the white dot, in fact I eat fish eye. Geli or not? LOL!

  6. I must admit that I have been a stupid client who loves BR ice cream for many years. Their monthly promo on the 31st is silly to deceive naive people like me where they only allow take-aways to enjoy the big discounts. I always had to pay normal "fool" price on 31st because I wanted to enjoy the ice cream right away. When I sat down to eat, i noticed all the youngsters eating away their take-aways happily at the table. WTH!! So next time I will do the same. LOLOL


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...