Monday, January 22, 2018

Why You Should Encourage your Kids to Play Sports

It’s true what they say, that nothing can quite compare to the smell of fresh air, first thing in the morning. 50 years ago, parents were always telling their kids to go outside and make new friends, but in this day and age, that just doesn’t happen anymore. Now kids have smartphones, all of the games that they could ever want and more. This can make it hard to get them to go outside and have some fun. Sport is one of the best ways for you to encourage your kids to get out there and have some physical activity, and it is also a great way for you to encourage them to meet new friends as well!


When kids are out there playing sport, this can really help them to boost their self-esteem. It is also great for their confidence. They are being given the chance to score certain points or even to perfect their skills along the way. When your child is able to accomplish this target, they will soon realise that they can achieve anything and this is a great way for you to help kids if they are shy or even if they have a problem socialising with others.


Children are made to play. When physical activity and exercise is underway, the endorphins that are in the body trigger and release, which helps to give you a very positive feeling. Sport is a very good way for you to do this and it is almost guaranteed that if your child is playing sport as part of a team then they will certainly have the time of their lives when they are out and on the field. If you are not sure which sport is right for your child, then why not consider taking them to a soccer academy? This is one of the best ways for you to pair your child with other beginners who may not know the ins and outs of the sport.

Social Skills

When your child participates in a sport, you will find that their social skills develop and you will also find that they can quickly learn things such as leadership, how to build a team and even how to communicate as well. This is an essential skill for later in life and it can also help them to broaden the amount of life skills that they have as well. The best thing about a team sport is that not only is your child learning to play as a group, but they are also learning to play with others and how to listen to their teachers. They will experience another form of discipline and this is one of the best ways for you to teach them how to respect authority and even how to listen when they are being spoken to.

Sport is a great way for you to boost your child’s happiness and it is also a great way for you to really show them how they can branch out and become better at what they do!

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