Monday, February 26, 2018

Eating And Shopping On the Fourth Day Of CNY


We went for something spicy for our morning brunch.... easily accessible especially when it was still festive season and the Chinese shops are still unopened around the area we were staying.  Not sure what the name of the Indian restaurant is called but I know it is near the market. 
Our food ordered.... 
This looks like a pancake, right?
But it is not... it is actually fried rice wrapped with this layer of egg....
Fried chicken which is still hot and tasty....
My piece of Tosai which is a bit crispy too....
With some mutton curry.... 
Then proceeded to 1-U for shedding calories....
Our treasures inside the trolley....
Tea time at Nyonya Colors....
And my bowl of desserts before leaving.... 
Then for dinner, we had Steamboat at home.... 
After dinner, it is a time for "Jamming"...
Everyone loves to sing except the younger generation!
How come... hmmmmm....


  1. The fried rice wrapped in egg looks so good! Maybe I can make it. The fried chicken looks so American. This is such a good picture of you and your son!

  2. Long time never sing k already, i love karaoke so so so much in my younger days, those days ktv is a popular leisure activity when i think the craze started from japan, i love mutton curry too but currently cannot eat as i am having a cough, ya lucky that there are still malay and indian available during cny when all the chinese stalls are closed, such a lovely pic of you and your son, you look so young to have such a tall and grown up son, blissful

  3. Nice photos! I love the food too. Shopping is fun and relaxing during cny because most people are still celebrating cny.

  4. Is that supposed to be Pattaya fried rice then? They will need to work on the presentation. Mutton curry looks so so so good!!! Andy is a carbon copy of you!

  5. See the kuehs makes me feel like eating it now...

  6. Your fried egg and tosai looked alike. The younger generations would someday loose their singing talents if they don't wanna sing. The music trend could be a pain in our ears sometimes. How come??... LOLOL

    1. But the younger generation can sing very well too...just watch The Voice! Only mine don't sing.. :)

  7. Indian food. A change from all the Chinese that we have over the CNY. I also had Indian breakfast, I think on the 4th or 5th day. Forgot when but I remember the place was packed with all races. Lol.

    1. Yeah, difficult to get nice and reasonable prices chinese food during this period..

  8. yummy indian food! I like mutton curry and will soaked the thosai with lotsa curry.


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...