Monday, March 26, 2018

Here are Some Easy Ways to Get Pests out of Your Home for Good

It can be very alarming when you realize that pests have invaded your home. Suddenly you may no longer feel safe or comfortable in your own property.
The most common pests are termites, mice, bed bugs, wasps and even ants. They can cause a surprising amount of damage in a very short space of time, leaving you with a headache and a potentially expensive clean up and repair bill.
This is why it is important to be aware of the most common pests and how to prevent them entering your home.

If they have got into your home there are several ways in which you can get rid of them for good:
Lemon Juice
This is very effective against ants. They simply don’t like the smell and are very reluctant to cross a line of this liquid. 
As well as lemon juice you can persuade your ants to leave with cinnamon or peppermint. 
You’ll need to cover their nest in one of these liquids to persuade them to pack up and go.
Electronic Devices.
There are many electronic fly traps which you can purchase through a pest control agent or even rent.
These attract flies and some other flying insects. It kills them quickly once they fly into it.
Surprisingly normal hand soap can be very effective at removing pests. This is particularly effective when dealing with stink bugs. All you need to do is combine liquid hand soap with water in a spray bottle.
Then you can spray the exterior of your home, specifically where there are cracks and other ways for the pests to get in. The pests dislike the soap mix and will leave, or not even enter your home.
Tidy Up
Flies, mice, cockroaches and many other pests are attracted to the tiny crumbs of food that you leave on your work surfaces and floors. Many of them will come out at night when you’re asleep and they won’t be disturbed.
Stop giving them food; they will quickly need to leave your house to find food elsewhere.
All you need to do is make sure your surfaces and floors are clean. Use an anti-bacterial spray to make sure of this and seal all your open packets of food in appropriate containers.
If they have no food they won’t be interested in staying at your home and you won’t be at risk of developing an illness.
Go To The Source
The most effective way of eliminating any pest is to find their nest. Killing off one or two pests might feel great but it won’t actually solve the problem.
Instead watch the pests to work out where they are coming from. You can then use this knowledge to locate their nest and destroy it.
In the process you can destroy as many of the pests as possible but without a nest they will immediately look for a new home.
The trick is to ensure they all leave your home or are killed; without creating a new nest. The best way of achieving this is to seal all possible nest sites before you attack their nest.
A professional can help you to get this approach right.


  1. if got $$$ sure will engage professionals to do the job.

  2. I have started using clove essential oil to dab all over my kitchen, rooms and bathrooms to keep the lizards away. It really worked 100%!
    I hope the cockroaches and ants would migrate to my neighbours too.

  3. Strangely, for cockroaches, the more you try to stay away from them, the more they fly in your direction, whereas for lizards, not as scary, as they will escape and run away from you as soon as they spot any human


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