Saturday, March 24, 2018

My Fake Face From Facebook


Saw in Facebook... Many of my friends "played" with this FB app and I joined in the club out of curiosity and vanity..... Dug out one of my old photos taken two years ago and uploaded it to this Faceapp....


Nope, I did not share it on FB cos it is definitely not me!  The difference is too much....
Starting with the eyes... Reality....  Droopy eyes 
Nose.... Reality.... big nose like Jackie Chan...
Teeth.... In reality, visible gaps in between....
Overall face.... Roundish, pigmentation and acne .....

I showed this photo to a couple of friends and they agree to one thing... "No, its not you!"
If I wanna look like that, I guess I have to fly to Korea and spend my life savings on this new face! 
No more originality.... How can........
But then...  I like this New Face This App created.... LOL....


  1. You are so beautiful, even without this App!! But it is fun to play with.

  2. They say do not play with these things on Facebook - they always ask first whether they are allowed to have access to your personal details or whatever, right? Anything like that, I would just exit right away.

  3. Haha. Many of friends also play and post this. I don't. Don't bother. You are beautiful just as the way you are, Claire.

  4. I like you just the way you look! :)

  5. Quite fun playing with it, i also played, maybe i should do a post on it hee hee, but actually maybe can create this effect with a little bit make up tricks hee hee

  6. both photos are equally beautiful!

  7. I prefer the original. LOL!

  8. It is really you! Go to South Korea and come back like that photo on the right.

    I tried the apps enhancement on my photos provided by the mobile phone and realised my face has sagged so much making me old and the apps could make me young easily. Time to do facial exercise.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...