Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Ways To Get Rid Of Smelly Feet


Living with the love of your life isn’t always easy, but it is always wonderful. He may wind you up sometimes, but you still can’t wait to see him when you get home. Finally, you feel like you’ve made a home and a family. Isn’t that worth celebrating?

The trouble is that the happiness doesn’t last. Some of the issues you didn’t mind in the early days may reach a boiling point. The main culprits include dirty living habits, laziness, and of course, smelly feet. Nothing’s worth than sitting on the sofa and getting whiff of your partner’s cheesy tootsies. If the smell is bad enough, it could feel like sitting downwind of someone continually. It’s enough to turn your stomach, no matter how much you love your man.

But, issues of personal hygiene are delicate. If you come out and tell him he stinks, he may get offended and upset. It could even lead to ruptures and arguments you don’t want. Instead, you may find yourself trying to alter the issue without his knowing. It isn’t easy, but it is possible. In fact, do this right, and your methods could even improve your marriage at the same time, with your man feeling as though you’re treating him rather than addressing an issue. Here’s how.

Buy him new socks

Most notably, buying him new socks may help you solve the issue. If he wears the same pairs over and over, is it any wonder he’s a bit stinky? In extreme cases, men (and women) will even wear the same pair two or three days in a row. This is especially likely if they don’t have enough to keep them going between washes. Bet that smell is making more sense now, right? To stop this issue from happening, browse for more socks to stick in his drawers. If you get him designer options or well-made choices, he’ll feel like you’re going all out to treat him. Only you will know that these purchases are carried out more in desperation than love. Don’t be surprised if you then find that he starts to fill the laundry with the socks he was reusing before your kind acts.

Do the washing

Along the same vein, it may also be worth doing the washing now and again. What man could argue against having their laundry done for them? Again, he’ll think you’re trying to impress. He may even start to wonder what it is you’re after. It’s okay, though; it’s unlikely he’ll ever guess. Still, you’ll be able to reap the rewards of him having freshly laundered socks at all times. What’s more, if he can rest easy that his washing will be done for him, he’s less likely to slip into reusing habits. It may be worth keeping an eye on his sock drawer here. As soon as he gets down to one or two pairs, it’s time to empty that laundry basket and restock the supply.

Buy him new shoes

If your man changes his socks without fail, it’s a sign that something else is at play. Another leading cause of odors is sweaty feet. Much like how we all experience different levels of body perspiration, some of us sweat more from our feet. And, when this happens in particular shoes, bacteria have nowhere to go but together. And, breeding bacteria cause smells, as any fan of cheese knows. Hence, your man’s foot odor problem is born. The good news is, breathable shoes can go a long way towards solving this issue. After all, feet which can breathe are less likely to get sweaty. If they do, the air access can ensure they dry out again before smells start. As such, you may want to buy your man a new pair of shoes. He’s going to think his luck is in, and so are you when he starts to wear them. Options such as canvas shoes, and even sandals, could work well here. Look out for options which suit his style to ensure he doesn’t rumble your plan. Then, lavish him with shoe-based gifts.

Give him a foot bath when he gets home from work

Who doesn’t get home from work with aching feet? If your man is on the go for large portions of his day, it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for you to offer him a foot soak. We’re not talking anything extreme here. But, a washing up bowl filled with hot water will always go down well. What’s more, if you put some bubble bath or bath salts in the mix, you can tackle odor at the same time. Your man will think you’re lavishing luxury in his lap, which you are. But, he’ll never know that you’re only doing it so that you can stand to sit next to him for hours!

Cook for him

Food and smelly feet? That’s right; there’s a link. What we eat impacts pretty much everything our bodies do. And, that includes the smells they make. It’s been proven that food items such as cauliflower and onion can increase the pungent aroma of foot odor. This is because foods like these are high in sulfates, which create unpleasant smells when broken down. Equally, sweat-inducing foods like curries can cause excessive sweat, which dries and starts to smell. To make sure your man cuts down on these, why not cook for him? You could look out for meals which don’t include the guilty food-types. Experiment with this for a week and see how it goes. If you notice a difference, make an effort to direct him to these alternatives more often.

A final word

As you can see, there are many ways to tackle smelly feet without looking like that’s what you’re doing. In fact, each of these will help to strengthen your bond and make your man feel special. It’s a win, win situation, so why are you still struggling with that smell? Get to work and see what you can do!

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