Saturday, June 9, 2018

A Boodle Fight On A Special Day

BOODLE FIGHT... without bloodshed...

Nothing lost but gain in this Boodle Fight we had on Mother's Day in Sacramento.  Why is it called Boodle Fight?  According to Filipino culture, a Boodle Fight is the military practice of eating a meal, only that there is only military man involved here.  LOL.. 

There is no cutlery served in a Boodle meal... all are displayed on the table and we eat with our hands.  Banana leaves are used to placed on the table, followed by the food... for our special day, we wanted a seafood platter with an exception on beef and fried chicken.  Something similar to the Indian culture, eating on banana leaves.  I am surprised that Filipino has this culture too..... never too late to know... LOL....
Our array of food for eight people only!!

All Filipino styled cooking.... 

Food being arranged by a pretty young lady.... 
While we just looked upon and drooled.... 
Final touches!!
And many pictures before the START!!
And Laughter!!
My Belated Mother's Day Post!!
Happy Occasion To All The Mothers!!


  1. I read about Booble Fight on another blog too years ago. Sounds very interesting to eat like this.

    1. Something similar to our own country culture..

  2. I like the blue cheongsam blouse you are wearing, looks nice and elegant on you, I have something similar last time, but it was black colour

    1. Oh mine is just a blouse.. not a cheong sam.. hahaaa

  3. Looks a bit crude...but I am sure it is finger-licking good. :D

  4. wow! that sure is a lot of good food. is it easy to get banana leaves? happy mother's day to you too!

    1. They are sold in grocery stalls.. frozen.. hahaa

  5. Saw a friend's Filipino wife serving this at their house for dinner. They have something like this in Malaysia, all seafood cooked with curry powder but not served on banana leaves - that puts me off and I hear the seafood may not be all that fresh, the cockles are very I have never tried.

  6. I heard of the Filipino tradition. It must be different and excited to experience different way of enjoying food.

    Happy belated Mother's Day to you.

    1. Yeah, I love different cultures especially in food! hahaha


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Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...