Monday, September 10, 2018

A Pet Called Sugar Glider


I had never seen or rather heard of Sugar Glider until a couple of weeks ago.  This is the first time I encountered a Sugar Glider until that day when someone bought it through online and since then, have keep it as a pet.  There is a story behind this SG...

When this someone I called W told me that he managed to get a Sugar Glider through an online website, I was like "huh"... what is that?  Then he forwarded a picture of SG to me.... oh my, this is the first time I have seen such a creature, Big eyes, pouted nose, soft greyish fur with a long tail.  I was told that it comes from a Koala and Kangaroo species, living in pouches and clinging to your finger or whatever it can grasp hold of.

W grew to love him, yes, it is a male.... when he brought it home, the SG is still a baby, the eyes were closed.  After a week or so, W sensed that something was wrong with the SG.  He took it to see a vet, in fact two vets and both confirmed the same thing.... The Sugar Glider he brought home is permanently blind!  So pathetic.... the owner must have known about it for he stopped answering the calls when W called him.  Really bad...

Anyway... W is not devastated.. he loves this SG very much... he does not regret bringing it home, instead, he has more caring towards the Sugar Glider now... He accompanies him wherever he goes... even though the SG cannot see, he can sense his owner, W... They are now good friends!
Introducing the SG, a new member of the family... 


  1. May they remain good friends forever!

  2. Sugar gliders are popular pets around here. Very friendly and high energy. Sometimes they display and sell them in the shopping malls!This baby is so lucky to have a an owner like your friend, who is so dedicated!

  3. So cute. Like squirrel. I didn't know such animal too.

  4. The first time I saw a sugar glider was at a pet show in Menglembu. It is blessed with a kind owner who will give it good care and love.

  5. Blessed is SG to have a loving owner, it looks like a squirrel to me


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...