Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A Short Sight Seeing Trip To Kellie's Castle, Batu Gajah


An intensive weekend with the youngsters, we tried to cover as much places as we possibly could, that is sightseeing and the most important itinerary is the Food.

We set out to Kellie's Castle after taking our breakfast in Ipoh.  Could not remember what we had for I did not take any pictures of the food in the morning for we intended to go for seafood in Tanjung Tualang for lunch.  But first... Kellie's Castle in Batu Gajah.  Entrance fees is RM5 and it was a very quiet noon when we reached.  Maybe it was due to the hot sun or perhaps tourists are more interested in Ipoh food than sightseeing here....
The first Scottish to build the castle here in the 1890s... 
But it was unfinished.... half way through, The owner died of pneumonia in Lisbon..
And the castle was abandoned since... 

The authorities maintained the structure until today... 
Overlooking a small creek...
From the top of the castle without railings... one has to be careful... 
Quite scary to look down without any railings and grills... 
We spent a short while here and we moved on.... 
To Tanjung Tualang... 


  1. The castle is very beautiful, i like the interior too, gives me a nostalgic feeling

  2. nice castle, but....but...some people say it is haunted...~~creepy....
    ok, put that aside, the weather was nice & sunny, nice photos u hav there ;-)

  3. I heard that the castle is haunted. Dunno true or not.

  4. I also read that this castle is haunted so don't dare to visit it. who owns this castle now? authorities maintaining it using whose $$$?

  5. I was there, 9 years ago:
    ...that time when I went to Ipoh and we went for lunch:
    Wonder when I will get to go again - when one of your children gets married and you invite me? You will invite me, won't you? LOL!!!

  6. Wonder if it was completed, how big the castle would be??

    I haven't been there. Heard it was haunted. By the owner. From a documentary. But I always fancy visiting old castle. Their European design, fascinating.

  7. Looks like so much fun! I wonder why a Scotchman would move there. Guess he built the castle to feel like home. You were very brave to go up and actually look over for us!!!

  8. I just read this: "Kellie’s Castle has been categorised as among the five scariest places in Malyasia by international paranormal investigators and the Expedia travel portal."

  9. Not scary to tour in the day time. When I visited, there was no charge but not well maintained. The place looks so much neat and well maintained now.


Thank you, readers!

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