Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Dream Cruise At Harbourfront, Singapore


It was unexpected, we did not plan to go for a cruise when we walked into the Matta fair at one of the malls in Ipoh recently.  Normally those who go for the Matta travel fairs are expected to travel within two or three months or even six months after booking them.  But for both of us, we casually asked whether there were vacant cruise in two weeks from then and we got a YES!  Then we paid the downpayment there and then and two weeks later, we were on our way to Singapore for a Gentings Dream Cruise!

This is my first time on a sea cruise, always hearing and never planning to go until now... it was a spur of a moment decision... LOL... and we did not know what to expect.  Anyway, it was only a three days two nights on a ship from Singapore, Port Klang, Singapore... LOL... Well, it was just a start... we just wanted to "test the water" first.... LOL!

Started off from Kuala Lumpur Berjaya Times Square, the bus took us to Singapore and by the time we reached the Harbourfront, it was already 4pm.  Tiring no doubt, the long queues at the immigration and at the check-in harbour, phew... I think I wouldn't want to go through that process again.  Thank God for the four of us, we kept each other spirits up by having light and hearty conversations with each other along the way!

Finally... we embarked, leaving our bags at the check in area... and the first place we searched for is the where they held the International Dinner Buffet!  We were very and super hungry by the time everything was done, we did not want to care about where our rooms were, we just wanted to fill our hungry tummies!!  And after all was well and fed, we went to look for our rooms!  LOL...
At the checking in area before embarking... 
Our spirits still up though we were really exhausted.. .

On the ship.... finally... 
For emergencies... very modernized...
Not those rafts like in Titanic... LOL.. 
Dinner first before checking into our rooms!
Abundant food for our tummies!
One room... 
Two rooms... next to each other.... 
Clean and considered spacious 
compared to the Alaska cruise, so I heard... 
And from our window.... Singapore!
I could stand here for a long time.... just looking.... 
But we did not waste time... 
After checking into our room, we walked out again... to explore the rest!


  1. Ya lor, start nearer to home LOL! I also want to experience a cruise one of these days. You girls are so adventurous. The food looks good!

  2. I've never been on a cruise, dunno if I will get seasick or not. What if I've a phobia and want to get off the ship? Better don't take the risk. LOL!!!

  3. You are very fortunate to snag vacant slots for a cruise trip. I experienced ridig a ship, although not a cruise ship. Traveling by sea gets boring after many days in the middle of the sea.

  4. Such beautiful night scenery of sg on board the cruise, always heard of this dream cruise but never got a chance to go, the only cruise i been to is star cruise leo many years ago

  5. What a great unexpected fun trip! I have never seen a modern lifeboat like this one either. It all looks so good. And you never look tired, you always look pretty and happy! OH, the view of Singapore! Now I want to see the same view in the day too! A big hurricane is coming here, and our entire state has been declared a disaster ahead of time. Lots of evacuations, but we are staying. Don't know what will happen to us, just in case you don't hear from me over the weekend. It is coming on Thursday night.

  6. An impromptu cruise - so adventurous! The queues sound so tiring. luckily there are 4 of you to keep each other company.

  7. I always dream of going on a cruise too. But never thought of booking through Matta Fair. Haha.

    So much fun, such impromptu thing.

  8. The rooms are much, much bigger than the ones I had on another cruise ship. Yes, the night views are beautiful. I also dread the waiting and checking in time.


Thank you, readers!

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