Tuesday, November 6, 2018

5 Wonderful Ways Your Life Will Change After Getting All on Four Implants

Life does not come to a screeching halt just because you no longer have a set of real teeth. In some ways, the decision to replace them with the all on four is the beginning of a whole new chapter. If you’re on the fence about going with these implants as opposed to traditional dentures, here are a few examples of your things will change for the better if you do select the All on Four solution.

You Love Your Reflection Again

Your new dental implants in Toronto can’t do anything about bed hair. They won’t wipe the sleep from your eyes either. Even so, what you see in the bathroom mirror each morning will be more pleasant. It’s that nice set of teeth that make the difference. While you will still need to do some grooming before that reflection is picture-perfect, it’s nice to look in the mirror and like what you see even when you’ve just rolled out of bed.

Your Social Life Perks Up Once More

The fact that your social life has been dead lately has nothing to do with your personality or people not liking you. It has everything to do with avoiding social situations because of your lack of teeth. Once the All on Four procedures are over, that’s no longer an issue.

It’s easy to get back into the swing of doing all the things you used to enjoy. You’ll feel more like getting out of the house and spending time with others. In fact, you’ll notice that being around people more makes you happier.

You Get More Involved at Work

Your lack of teeth also cramps your style at work. While you may have come excellent ideas on how to approach a project, you never participate in meetings. That’s because speaking up means all eyes will shift to you. That’s the last thing you want.

Once the dental implants in Toronto are in place, it doesn’t matter if people are looking. You feel more confident and more at ease with speaking your mind. Who knows? That increased participation may put you on the road to a promotion and more money.

You Eat What You Like

How many favourite foods have you avoided the last few years? Would you like to do something about your bland diet? Once you invest in All on Four implants, welcome all of those favourites back into your life.

It’s still important to avoid crunching in anything that’s too hard. The implants are almost as sturdy as your real teeth were years ago, but they can be damaged. Temper your wants with a little common sense and enjoy those foods that you haven’t tasted in a long time.

You Smile Without Wondering What Others are Thinking

Whether in a restaurant, at a concert, or singing to yourself as you walk along the lake, there are no longer any worries about what people think of your teeth. That’s because your new dental implants in Toronto look great. They may still look at you a little funny depending on what you’re doing, but the cause will never be a mouth filled with chipped, cracked, or decayed teeth.

What are you waiting for? Call  your dental professional today and arrange for an exam and a discussion about All on Four implants. Once you know more about what they will do for you, making a decision will be easy.

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Thank you, readers!

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