Friday, November 30, 2018

How Much Compensation Will You Get For An Accident?

Have you been injured in a car crash? Perhaps you have slipped in a public place? Maybe you have been injured as the result of a workplace accident? Irrespective of what occurred, if the incident was not your fault, you will be thinking about making a claim, and rightly so. However, you may be wondering how much compensation you could be entitled to, and in this post, we will reveal more.

In order to ensure you get the maximum amount of compensation available, you will need an experienced legal professional on your side. Make sure you choose someone experienced in the area you are claiming in. For example, you need to hire a car accident lawyer if you have been involved in any type of accident on the road, no matter whether you were a pedestrian, passenger, or the driver in the other vehicle.

The most important thing to establish is the compensation is split into two parts. The first part of the compensation is general damages, which is the amount you will receive to compensate you for your suffering. The second part of the compensation is special damages, and this is something a lot of people aren’t familiar with.

Special damages
Special damages is compensation that is designed to cover any costs you have encountered because of the accident you have been involved in. To discover whether something is covered by special damages, you simply need to ask yourself ‘would I have encountered this cost if I had not been injured?’ – If the answer to this question is ‘no’, then there is a very high chance that you will be able to claim for it. To help you better understand, here are some examples of common special damages:

Prescription expenses
Vehicle repair costs
Treatment costs
 Loss of income
Travel expenses
Hospital parking ticket expenses
Childcare costs
Counselling expenses
… And much, much more

Please bear in mind that if you are to claim for any of the expenses that have been mentioned, you will need to have proof. Thus, keep a hold of your receipts and such like. When it comes to a
loss of income, you should get a letter from your employer. If you are self-employed, you will most likely need proof of your earnings over the previous years so that you can show how much money you have potentially lost.

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding regarding how compensation is calculated for personal injury claims. It is important to recognise that every case is different and it is treated as such. Therefore, there is no set list of payout amounts. It is all based on the different factors that have been mentioned above.

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