Thursday, January 24, 2019

Christmas Food Stuffings In Me

OH OH.... not HO HO...
Yes, this post should be published a month ago... LOL... Nowadays my posts are indeed very backdated, so much happening that I did not have the time to write current happenings, unlike those days when I was still working, I had more time to blog than now I am not working.  As my friends used to call me.. "You are an octopus now that you retire."  I dare not contradict that... LOL...

Back to our Christmas celebration, we had our party in Sg. Buloh... er... not exactly a party, no dancing or singing but more on preparing food and stuffing our tummies.  LOL... Of course, I am not the one cooking, so much to see and learn while I was there.  I kept "ooohhh... ahhhhh.... " only cos everything looks new to me especially Risotti rice!  That day was the first time I ever tasted Risotti, quite embarrassed to say but still I do tell everyone here. 

Christmas isn't Christmas without a nice fat turkey, so someone said.  And so we had one ordered earlier from Jaya Grocer, first time ordering it so we did not know what to expect.  To our delight, the turkey was indeed very succulent, dry on the outside and moist on the inside.  It came with a meatloaf plus cranberry sauce.... And I think it cost around RM300....
Needs some carving done.... 
Together side by side... 
We ladies only know how to pose...  
Like this... 
And like that.... 
The rest of the job...leave it to the Man!
The hostess is a good cook... she made this...
I thought I would not like it... 
I was wrong... it was very flavourful...
I wonder how this is done... too bad I was not around then... 
Spaghetti Aglio olio... 
Quiche... I took a big piece of this... 
Deviled eggs... also known as stuffed eggs... 
My first helping without the turkey which is still under the "knife" then... 
Thanks to the cooks on this day... 
I really enjoy all the food stuffings laid on the table!


  1. I would like to try risotti one day, looks good

  2. I want to try that risotti as well. It looks very moist no? So after eating it, it was very flavourful?

  3. Here, we call this rice dish risotto. And it needs to be tended to all the time! Stirred every few minutes wile adding little amounts of water every couple minutes. It is a challenging dish to make, and most home cooks do not. Hurray for you, you got to taste it!!

  4. Yes, for our Christmas dinner, we would usually have some western menu but this year, we did not get to enjoy any turkey. Sobss!!!

  5. Wah, nice food! All home prepared so super nice!

  6. Nice Christmas party. Food was glorious. Bought Turkey once for Christmas and since then, none. Chicken tastes better. Lol.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...