Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Indonesia Events At St. Machar, Aberdeen

SOMEWHERE NEAR HOME...  It is not a Malaysian fest but Indonesia.  We went to give our support at this Indonesian fest held at St Machar Academy, a public school for children.  Walked from our place to the academy, took us nearly half hour instead of fifteen minutes.  We walked through Aberdeen university, then though their library campus and off to the main road leading to St. Machar.  First thing first, we "attacked" the food bazaar at the lower ground.... even  before reaching the fair, the fragrance of the food reminded us back home in Malaysia. 
We craved some curry delights, fried fish, rendang and vegetables in creamy santan.
Then we attended a short while at the hall... some dances and video recordings....
Too many cameras in the air.... 
We left after that with our tummies full... 
Passed through the King's college again... 
And that was about it for the half day.... 


  1. What fun! The costumes in the dance are beautiful!

  2. I would love such events. I love Indonesian food...a lot!

  3. I see otak-otak! After the half hour walking back, the food would have been easily digested! Lol!

  4. Fun to attend such event. Stomach is happy too! :)

  5. I like the 4th photo of the college, great shot!

  6. Not bad lah to stumble upon "local" food.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...