Tuesday, May 14, 2019

A Visit To The Tank Museum In Bovington


Visiting London has a reason, not mine, of course... my BIL's main itinerary is to go to Bovington, a couple of hours from London.  On the second day early morning, we rented a car and drove to The Tank Museum, based in Bovington.  This town is the main training centre for tanks during the First World War and the tanks were returned to the fields around the current museum at the end of the war.  And how did I know?  Well, I got this information from the The Tank Musuem online though my BIL has told us briefly about it before we went.

Admission was 14 pounds sterling per person and the four of us went in regardless.  I know we would be spending many hours inside so I don't think I wanted to stay outside lingering around.  Aaron was all keen for this though we two ladies would rather go shopping anytime!  LOL... Well, anyway, just follow the leader and it was indeed an eye opener for me, at least.  It was tiring though.... three of us walked and rested at certain spots... the one who was most interested, did not even complained tired at all!! 
Upon reaching and at the grounds before entering... 
The memorial statue... 
Introducing the Tank Museum... 
Buying tickets for admissions... 
And here is the entrance leading in... 
Miniature tanks on display and for sale, I think... 
Two ex-military men were there... 
They assembled these tanks from scratch... 
It is sort of their hobby and interest.... 
And here goes the tanks... 
Take some minutes to study each tank... 
While I rested my poor legs.... 

Panoramic view... 
A very tankful day for the four of us... 
We spent the whole afternoon inside the museum... 
And only left half an hour before it closed for the day... 


  1. You got great pictures! I love your panorama. I know nothing about this, and I bet you didn't either. So we both learned something.

  2. was your bil very satisfied with this museum? so many different tanks. the area must be huge for your legs to be so tired.

  3. My! My! You sure visited a whole lot of museums, eh?

  4. I love your first photo. So creative to point that direction.
    I think I would enjoy war in museums like this as they are educational. The most shocking war museums that I ever visited and never stopped talking are the 2 atomic museums in Japan!!! Half baked truths being displayed.

    1. Typo errors
      **I think I would enjoy inside war museums like this as they are educational.

  5. Those who like tankers and war history will surely enjoy being in this museum.

  6. Very impressive tanks, thanks for sharing.

  7. Adoi. More military stuff hee..hee...

  8. From miniature tanks to giant tanks. I am sure your BIL enjoyed the visit to the museum.


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...