Sunday, May 12, 2019

Along The Streets Of London

FROM CHINATOWN... it was all walking and walking... along one street to another..... now looking back, I think we are really good Walkers! 
Everywhere is everybody..... in Chinatown...
Walking along the streets in Chinatown.... 
And to Whitehall Gardens...
Sunny and yet cold weather in London...
Heard that this hotel is often shown in movies.... 
All look pretty familiar to me...
Beautiful flowers are everywhere even though it is not summer yet...
Walking along the streets of London...
London Eye?
Buckingham Palace.... 
Too crowded on a weekend... 
We walked till evening around 6pm...
Reached our hotel at the airport around 7pm...
No sleepless nights...
We were totally exhausted by the time we got ready for bed... 


  1. I love London! Been so so so long now. Don't they have those hop on hop off double decker buses for tourists anymore?

  2. Spring is the time where most flowers bloom. I remember being so excited to see flowers after a cold and gray winter because it means that spring is here when I was living in UK.

  3. Thanks for the wonderful tour, I especially love the flowers! And the building, and the Eye. Do they still let people go on it for rides? Would you?

  4. Great & interesting trip. Sunny & cold weather at London give a new experience

  5. Very nice buildings and flowers.

  6. Beautiful place and beautiful flowers. All the walking will burn up all the calories and gives you good sleep.

  7. When on holiday, all I want to do is walk and eat. And take many photos. Lol.

    Now I miss London looking at your photos here. Didn't go much when in London as only one day to spare. Hope to go back there one day.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...