Thursday, May 2, 2019

Full Set Dinner At The Ship Inn, Stonehaven


Days are definitely longer now at this time.  Until today I am still not used to seeing daylight at 5am and it lasts till 8pm or later each day.  So nice, right?  Unlike last year when I came in October, the days were shorter, it was already in darkness at 5pm! 

Coming back to Stonehaven, we made our way to dinner at The Ship Inn.  Aaron told us that this place was highly recommended by his local colleagues, we must go and try the food, he said.  Of course!!  Anything goes on fine with me especially when my tummy was feeling kind of empty at that moment!  LOL..

We parked the car at a nearby area facing the ocean.....
A mini lighthouse here... 
The houses here must be having lots of fresh air each day....
And of course the COLD weather too... all year round!
A panoramic view from where I stood... 
At the entrance of The Ship Inn...
As starters, Skint Soup... mainly fish chunks with creamy sauce... 
I stick to my Lentil vegetable soup... 
Another starter... 
The Mussels... very freshly steamed... still moist and juicy... 
Their famous fish n chips...
Aaron had this... seafood variety...
For desserts.... Blueberries...
Everything was good... including the bill...
which came to around 60 pounds including drinks!
Thumbs UP of the food!


  1. I'd go for the fish & chips, not what Aaron had.

  2. Wah, I like all the food here. Will just eat a bit off everyone's plate!

  3. You look so cold, Claire! The food looks very good, but my favorite today is the cute lighthouse.

  4. I want to live in one of those houses lol. I want the fish and chips, mussels and desserts, all the food looks good

  5. I want the fish and chips and the mulberries dessert!

  6. I want a bit of everything! Lol!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...