Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Up The War Memorial In Stonehaven


That is why I love coming to Aberdeen, I can eat a lot and not gain weight here cos there are lots of walking and hiking up hilly lanes in the cold freezing weather! 

Stonehaven is not finished for us yet, we came here again the second time... the first time was to see the castle and the second time round, we walked up to the War Memorial.  This memorial is on top of Black Hill and can be seen from most parts of Stonehaven and its surrounding areas, providing a permanent and daily reminder of the loss of life from those who died in the first world war 1 and 2.  My BIL has an interest in visiting these war museums and memorials and  paying homage to those who had sacrificed their lives during that time...
The small path we walked from where we parked our car.... 
Walking up to the Memorial.... 
Along the way.... 
Stonehaven War Memorial... 
A panoramic view as we walked up...
As we were going up.... 
As we were getting nearer.... 
Breathtaking scenery along the way.... 
Zoomed up to the town area as we went along... 
Another panoramic view as were were nearing... 
Can really hear the wind blowing at this stage... 
Taken at the top.... 
Finally reached.... 
Exploring the sides of the Memorial... 
We spent some minutes here and there.... 
And that was our evening walk for the day....... 


  1. The memorial is very pretty, kind of classical looking. And beautiful flowers. I bet you were glad for those benches!

  2. Very beautiful flowers around the memorial area. Those scenery made me want to go to Scotland.

  3. Lovely flowers? Daffodils? Up? will have to push me from behind. LOL!!!

  4. The scenery is so breathtaking! Looks so cold from all the jackets that you all were wearing.

  5. Beautiful view and flowers to enjoy.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...