Wednesday, June 19, 2019

My "Family" In Aberdeen

FEELS GOOD.. to feel young among the youngsters....

Staying in Aberdeen makes me wish that I am young again, to experience university life with the students.  Each day I see them, they are just staying around us, left, right, up and down.  LOL... We share our meals, inviting each other to come over, having the same interest, singing, playing badminton, bowling.... the list is endless!  After staying for so many weeks, these youngsters are like a family to me.  Auntie or not, I tend to forget my age when I am with them and I am so touched that they count me in as well!  LOL...
We have meals together, whether it is inside the house or outside...
My extended family from various countries....
Asian smiles....
Gathering at Woodbanks....
A talented student always entertain us with songs..
And his rendition of "Perfect" is indeed Perfect!!
Our favourite restaurant at all times!!


  1. Claire, you fit right in with this group. You look just as young as they are. You also have such a boundless enjoyment for life.

  2. I could see the fun & excitement for you being with these foreign Asian students. There is so much warmth and unity in them for being away from home. I still miss such good days living with Japanese and Korean students in the boarding school. The good memories are priceless till today.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Claire, you have the brightest smile!

  5. You are so young at heart! Chips and Cakes for me anytime!

  6. What aunty? You look like one of them hee..hee...

  7. So much fun reading your stories and adventures there, meeting new and old friends and getting connected with your loved ones. What a blessing.

  8. I think there is no age limit so you can always enrol and join your "family" in the uni. Never too old, age is just a number!

  9. You blend in well with the youngsters.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...