Monday, July 22, 2019

Is It Worth Going To Lobster Buffet At Silverton Hotel, Las Vegas?


Silverton Hotel is offering Lobster buffet every Friday evening, starting at 4pm till 9.30pm.  Being over confident that we could go in anytime we wanted, we reached there at 5.00pm and ended up waiting for more than THREE WHOLE HOURS before we could enter the restaurant!  Never before I experienced queuing so long to have dinner.  Oh my goodness.... the queue was like a railway line, nevertheless we did not give up.  The queue was slow moving, a few people before us gave up half-way while waiting... and we moved forward, bit by bit.  *testing patience*

Yes, our patience prevails... we only managed to be seated at around 8.40pm... phewww..... Since there were 3 of us, we took turns to line up.  Two of us would sit nearby while the other one stood at the queue.  This is not free food, we paid around $40 per pax and by the time we paid and were seated, the "vengeance" began!  Very Quickly we lined up for the Lobsters.... each of us were given two and we ended up going three times for that.... that means I ate 6 lobsters in one night, never thinking of the consequences!
Heads upon heads.... 

Starting with this.... 
Then this....
How much could I stuff in??
The rest ... of course... is not mine.... 
A little bit of this and that... my whole tummy was full to the brim!
Sweet temptations.... 
Left some "space" for desserts regardless!
And the question is.... 
Would we come again?
No, no... I don't think I would...
Not because of the super long Q...
Maybe I consumed too much lobsters..
The next morning, I had a Giant Pimple on my FACE!


  1. Really? eat too much lobsters will get giant pimple?

  2. Wow, what a food adventure! You were all so patient! And were rewarded richly, yum!

  3. I would just eat the lobsters, skip the desserts and all the get my money's worth.

  4. Ooo. Lobsters. Never had lobster buffet before but I dont think I could eat so many lobsters in one buffet. Haha. Not worth to go to such buffet for me. Lol

  5. Wow! I would enjoy the lobster buffet and dessert!

  6. I have never been to a lobsters buffet before. The lobsters look so fleshy.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...