Saturday, January 11, 2020

Should I Stop Blogging?

MY 12TH YEAR OF BLOGGING!!  And... I'm losing it....

I started blogging in 2008, initiated by my son who had his own blog in 2007, however, his lasted only one year.  LOL... As for his mom here, she went on blogging and blogging without fail, almost daily, I can say for the past 11 years and only lately, she has slacked tremendously in her writing.  Reason?  Reasons... aplenty!

I began to feel the "laziness" since the day I retire from work in 2015.  I admit I was more diligent in my blogging while I was working than now at home.  Maybe blogging helped me to relax while I was still working, at least distracted me for an hour or two off the workload.  Well, that was when I was in the office, now that I am fully retired and staying at home (sometimes) I admit I am neglecting my blog.

Is Blogging still a trend?  It definitely was during the earlier years... I have made some friends through blogging, we even met up a couple of times.  That was maybe ten years back or so... and gradually, we do not catch up with each other anymore, each of us are busy with our own lives.  A few have become "famous"... but most of us have stopped blogging totally.  I guess blogging is just not an IN thing anymore these days.  My opinion... cos maybe I, myself have become "inactive" since...

However, I will not give up on my blog!!!  Through these years of blogging, I have learn so much, knowing new friends, capturing knowledge and of course, earning some extra pocket money to buy snacks.  Those were the days, really! 

Well, to sum it all.... I will not leave blogging as yet, one day perhaps... at the same time, I won't be blogging daily so that I won't feel it as a chore.  I will do it at my own pace and time, writing my heart out when I have the mood to do so and keeping silent when I am glued to the TV.

This is my longest post since many moons ago.... LOL...

Well, now I say I would not blogging daily... don't be surprised that tomorrow, the day after or the next, I might end up posting non-stop... LOL...

How about you guys?  How long have you been on your blog?  Are you still as enthusiastic as before?  Or even more so?


  1. My blog is already 14 years since i started in 2006, but it was only in 2012 that i get have more readers and get to know some blogger friends. It seems like more and more people are leaving the blogging scene, lazy? Or have nothing to blog? I still will continue to blog as it helps me to pass time and i love reading the comments of my blogger friends.

  2. I started in March 2008 and I'm still going strong, a post a day. Love every moment of it, never mind that few will drop by - traffic is very low these days and even fewer will come and comment. I shall go on and on and on...doing what I love and feeling thankful for the many blessings that come my way because of my blog, not money...but there are many other things worth more than gold.

  3. happy 12th blog anniversary! just blog when you feel like it. Happy enjoy your real life offline!

  4. I have been wondering how you are, so am glad to finally see that you are alright! People are deserting blogging for Facebook. But some come back. As much as I love you and your blog, Claire, I think life is too short to do things you don't feel like. We should not waste a minute. Being retired, you should use all your time just the way you want to, and that makes you feel good.

  5. Oh no. You plan to retire from blogging? Pity but understand your predicament. I also started almost same year with you, while I was working. A way to pass time, pen my opinion and thought and improve on my English writing. It has been a long journey.

    Some days, I have writer block, unable to think of things to write. I dont post daily anymore, unlike first few years. At least 2 to 3 posts a week is good enough for me now.

    Do what you want and love, Claire. I support you. :)

  6. I know what you mean. I think we are getting blogging burnout hah..hah... Just take it slow lah. Post as and when you like. I am doing it like that this year. Sometimes my mind blank, don't know what to write or no mood to write at all.

  7. i have been in blogosphere since 2005! and is still actively blogging though sometimes I slowed down abit...coz i only blog when i feels like it.

  8. Its okay, just blog when you feel like it. As long as it is not a chore, you will enjoy it.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...