Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Face Masks And Big Onions Against Virus?

OF MASKS AND ONIONS.... What do these two have in common?

Due to the Wuhan/Coronavirus scare, I have been receiving a lot of news via my mobile phone plus lots of do and don't-s advice.  On top of that, even audios are forwarded, these knows-a-lot current affairs coming mostly from aunties speaking in different dialects.  With these tensing up situations due to the virus, many could not help but hearing and reading what is being sent out.  Of course, many are fake news, many just forward to others without verifying... like one video which actually happened in Singapore, they wrote Mid Valley, Kuala Lumpur.  Cases like this really make people panic for no reason.

Anyway, lets use our discretion... do not simply forward news which some can be really outrageous, such as foetus eating was widely spread by some.... sigh... already people is so paranoid, some more want to add more flavour to the current pandemic....

Which.... motivated me to write out this post today....

I do not use masks as yet... but I want to buy them for my kids.  Kiasu or kiasi… they need to have these masks on their face since they are working down south.  But for the past couple of weeks, each pharmacy I went do not have stock.  So much so, some even displayed notices outside the shop "No Masks nor Sanitizer" … "No stock".... Well, I managed to get two small bottles, one given by my friend and one from a pharmacy which I have been before this thing happens.

However, this morning I managed to get.... for the very first time... 3 packets of mask.... 10 in each packet and each customer is limited to buy 3 packets for RM15.  I am going to send them south to my kids and I hope they won't be "hijacked" along the way... LOL....
Yay! 6 packets for both of them to share.... 
And a packet of amazin' grace for Mama!

On the lighter side, my friend followed strictly to the messages received on Whatapps… 
Onions in the house....
Mind you, they must be big giant ones too!

Purpose:  To absorb all types of Virus-es!!
Well, believe it or not... 
No harm putting one here, one there and everywhere!!
Talking about viruses, I am also considering to get a home carpet cleaning service 
and mattress cleaning service to keep them clean!


  1. A mama's love, sending masks to her children, so touching and heartwarming.

    Tourism and retail sector seriously affected because of this wuhan virus.

  2. I leave it all to God, not taking any precaution. If He thinks it is time for me to go, I will just have to go lah!

  3. most pharmacies run out of masks in KL too.

  4. I think Sg government is giving out masks. Your children must be so happy to get the masks from you. You are going to your place in JB?

  5. I have also seen those out of stock sign outside the pharmacy. I don't buy masks and just make sure to take precautions. I have also read about the onion treatment. We would be smelling of onions LOL!

  6. I read about onion and absorbing virus, odor etc. But do hope it works. And only use for a day, dispose the next day as I heard it could turn poisonous.

    I bought some masks at home. Keep in the kids' bags but they dont use. Schools distribute masks too but now lesser people using compared to last week when schools started after CNY.

    Just hope this ordeal gone soon. Pray to God for His mercy and grace.

  7. Wah! After this post, onion price will definitely increase or will be out of stock soon. Lol!


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...