Saturday, March 28, 2020

Dishes To Cook For Four


Before this partial lockdown, my friends and I gather every now and then to have lunch in our own homes.  Sometimes they will bring their food over and at times I go over to their house.  These went on time to time until the MCO refrained us from doing so.

Looking back to my photo folder, I miss these type of food below... LOL...
Four dishes and yummylicious too!
Eggs with long beans and gojiberries...
Fish paste with minced meat stuffed into the bitter gourd... 
My friend's special dish!  I miss this!!
Asparagus with shrimps... 
And some left over curry chicken... 
Great lunch for 4, right?

I wonder when the day will come and we can lead our normal lives again...
When the time comes, we must remind ourselves never to take for granted again...
Treasure our moments together and leave no space for grudges... 


  1. Such yummy looking home cooked food! You are so right Claire! We don't know how important things are till we don't have them anymore.

  2. Goji berries in long bean omelette. That would add the sweetness to the dish, right? Never did that before, must KIV and will give it a try one of these days. Who cooked the curry? That looks good!

    Sigh!!! I'm praying that all this will be over soon and we can go back to our normal lives. These are bad times!

  3. Lovely gathering with friends. I love such gathering. I like the stuffed bittergourd.

  4. Is the stuffed brinjal from Nancy? hee..hee.. I miss eating out. But got to tahan a bit more.

  5. Even if mco is over but without a vaccine, can never lead a normal life again without wondering if the person next to you could infect you.

  6. No choice but to patiently wait for our next meal together. Will take some time for situation to return to normal.

  7. All the dishes look so good! I miss my normal life too, haiz. So depressed, lolx.


Thank you, readers!

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