Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Potato Couch In The Evenings

HOME ALONE..... lazy mode to go out especially in the afternoon and evenings nowadays.  Mornings, I love to stuff myself with plenty of food to keep myself full and satisfied.  Only recently I got to know that Breakfast means Break Fast... somehow it is true especially after a whole night's sleep.  No wonder I am so hungry in the morning!  LOL...

Come lunch, I will eat something simple, sometimes bread with fruit juice or cookies.  At times I boil soup with one whole chicken!  The soup will turn out very fragrant and nice cos I put in only one litre of water.  Then I will drink it for lunch and dinner if there is not evening appointment.  ahemmm.. And sometimes out of the blue, my kind neighbour will call me to bring over my bowl to get some "extras" from her.  That saves my cooking for some evenings as well!
She gave me some curry chicken and I boiled some noodles to go with them.... 
To go with the curry noodles, I also have my sweet soup... 
To me, it is blissful enough already.. especially....
Enjoying the food watching my Netflix movies!!


  1. wah, you are truly enjoying your life! very good! so nice and kind of your neighbour. Your one chicken soup must be very, very tasty!

  2. Wow, what a blissful life at your home sweet home, the chicken soup must be sweet and tasty. I want this kind of life too!

  3. Evening only? That's good. My missus, the whole day...till early morning the next day, watching those Korean shows. Well, she's retired too - up to her to do what she likes.

  4. You are so blessed with a such a kind neighbour that also is a good cook.

  5. Yes! I have to agree with you. Sometime I wish I could cook simple food and relax around the house but not with my 3 growing kids. Lol.

  6. Nowadays is not lazy to go out, is scared to go out >.< ...


Thank you, readers!

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