Thursday, March 19, 2020

Second Day Of Covid Imprisonment


Went to the drive-in market around 8.30am, got some fresh vegetables and chicken meat.  Stopped by at the sundry to get some dry stuff too....and the list of things seems endless.  The streets around my area were pretty quiet, just like Sunday mornings even thought it is a weekday today.  Most of the shops are closed except for the banks in my area.  

I have a feeling that the market will be closed from tomorrow or the next day onwards.  The pandemic is on, heard from the vendors that they were worried too, I couldn't blame them if they close their stalls in the market.  At this moment of crisis, they are at the front line dealing with public.

Happy for China that their country is under control.... such a big giant country and yet, they managed to contain the virus so soon.  Our country is next... will our people be so obedient?  I better start by disciplining myself first... stay home, do housework, computer work, cooking and ends the day by watching Netflix.  
Food for thoughts.... 


  1. Your cooking is delicious. I want to see what you eat daily.

    Where is your gang. Can ask them come to play mahjong at home la. I am looking for kaki now.

    1. Mahjong session also have to cancel liow! hahahaa

  2. Looks like more restriction will be enforced because some people are taking things easy.

  3. I have been working at home for two days and have not stepped out at all.

  4. The herbal chicken soup looks yum. Many companies in sg are implementing work from home policy during this period. Same for me, i have not stepped out of my neighbourhood for 4 days, just go downstairs makan only.

  5. I had been wondering about your country. Good thing you are such a good cook!

  6. We have stocked up on everything over the weekend, long before the partial lockdown so we do not need to go out at all. Old people like us are the most vulnerable so best not to have any contact with others. Just heard that the father and son at the fruit and food shop that I frequent are not feeling well, and they say not to go there...and they also say not to buy from Malay shops and stalls - they may have gone to the Sri Petaling event and are keeping quiet about it. Do not put the Lord our God to the test.


Thank you, readers!

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