Sunday, March 22, 2020

Wearing A Mask At Home Is Safe Too


What comes to my mind each morning when I wake up?  These questions...   What shall I eat today, breakfast... lunch and dinner... What shall I cook?  I guess I am not alone thinking about the preparation of food.  We need to ration, right?  Not sure when the shops or markets might be closed one day.  Now the situation is so unpredictable.  

Reading and hearing too much about the bad news is not good though I need to know what is happening.  Staying at home alone too long without talking to anyone can have adverse effects.  That is why I stay sane by talking on the phone, video call, or whatever it takes just to have some voice talking back to me.  LOL.... 

These days it is common to see many of us put up what we cook online.  Facebook, Instagram, blogs, vblogs, we share and show people what we have each day, get some ideas on what to cook for our family, in my case, for myself... 
I start off the day daily with 2 slices of bread with Skippy peanut butter...
Two half boiled eggs... but for this case, it is more than half cooked.. 3/4 cooked in fact...
I was a bit too greedy on the first day... one egg should be enough, not two... 
After that day, I just ate two slices of bread minus the egg...
Have to Ration.... LOL... 
I braised some pork ribs with radish, tomatoes, red chili and lemongrass... 
Shared some with my neighbour... 
Had Kolo mee with this dish.. 
Fried rice for dinner...
Big heavy meals, right?
For snacks in between, eating guava marinated with "dry tangerine skin"... 

My friend forwarded this message to me... 

Please wear a mask at home also, specially when alone.....
This may or may not prevent Corona 
but will surely stop you from eating more... 

I couldn't agree more... LOL!!!


  1. Wahhhh!!!! At the rate you are going, I am sure you have enough food to last one whole year! LOL!!!

    1. I hope!!! Definitely not enough at the rate I am eating!

  2. Wow! So much food. Agree that they are big heavy meals. Give me those half boiled eggs, yums!

  3. aiyo, shortage of masks for medical personnel so don't wear masks to stop yourself from eating. lolx!
    I love to eat white lobak so your dish is so so tasty!

  4. Yum, everything looks so good and delicious! Stay safe everyone☺

  5. Muahahahahaha! I think that's funny to wear a mask at home. I have been snacking all the CNY cookies while watching TV. There are hampers waiting to be opened too. HELP!

    I am just the opposite. I would ask my wife what we should eat the next day's lunch and dinner.

    1. wahhhh... hampers!! then can last you many many months!

  6. Your cooking looks so good, Claire!! And think of the money you will be saving now. Enough to buy really fancy meals when the staying inside is over.

  7. The only way to stay connected and sane is through the social media and phone calls. This "stay home" improves your cooking and they all look delicious. Surprisingly, I have no mood to snack during this time, maybe because not burning up calories by staying home and sitting down alot.


Thank you, readers!

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