Thursday, April 9, 2020

Making Kueh Bahulu/Pancakes Using Sandwich Maker


It is not surprising that due to this MCO, many of us dug out our long-lost kitchen gadgets to occupy our time.  Surprise!!  I am one of them!!  I did not know I have this sandwich maker in my kitchen cupboard until yesterday, I had nothing to do, I took out the brown boxes to see what was kept inside.  All these years, I thought my son has taken it to Johor, I guess he must have brought it back to Ipoh without me realizing it.  LOL... Yours truly never did much cooking much less toasting bread?  But now, times has change, yours truly have to cook, to pass time and to survive!  LOL...

Ok, what to do with the sandwich maker?  I googled and got this recipe about Kueh Bahulu being done on sandwich maker.  Read through the method, sounds pretty easy enough and ingredients are just 3 eggs, flour and sugar.  Easy, right?
Taken from
3 eggs 
1 cup sugar (I used 1/2 cup brown sugar)
1 cup flour
My handwhipped batter... 
Half way through, I turned over the batter..... 

So that they are evenly toasted.... 
The batter can make 10 pieces...
The texture is like this... 
Next time I want to add in crushed peanuts in the middle...
or maybe put in some peanut butter or "kaya" or jam....
My breakfast for this morning.... 
So... what shall I do next?
Not surprising I am growing sideways these days!!


  1. hah..hah... got nothing to do, make bahulu! I am amazed that it can be done using sandwich maker. Eh, yuu know or not, I also got sandwich maker! LOL! My auntie passed hers to me and it has been sleeping in the store room.

  2. Oh me oh my!!! Now I really must take my hat off to you, so impressed. Really nothing like the old Claire a long long time ago!!! Now who says you can't teach an old dog new things, eh? LOL!!!

  3. Oh, using sandwich maker to make bahulu. That is new to me.

  4. Your bahulu looks so tasty and presentable, thumbs up!

  5. Wah, so nice! I wanna eat. you are so creative in this stay home time.

  6. Turns out very nice leh! I like this pattern compared to the normal round ones. Thanks to MCO, you are becoming a good cook and baker.

  7. wah sedap! u got so many gadgets at home, breadmaker then now sandwich maker....

  8. A sandwich maker has a four slice capacity and the plates are relatively non-sticky in nature and are easy to clean for repeated use. egg sandwich maker


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...