Friday, May 15, 2020

Home Exercises During MCO


Besides having gray hair all over my head, I would be growing sideways as well IF I just sit and eat all the time.  No joke, I feel like eating even after a heavy breakfast, like for instance this morning, the minute I put down my plate of Chee Cheong Fun (white noodles), I felt like munching a piece of bread.  And I actually DID eat a piece of bread spread with peanut butter.  Then only I felt fully satisfied.  And at 12.30pm, my stomach said..."hey, time for lunch!"  And I ended up taking a big dumpling filled with BBQ pork and a piece of papaya.  So what's for tea time now?  LOL.....

Practically I take three meals per day, at least, I would say... never been less but more.  I have a weighing machine in my room, so far, I am still maintaining within the range, plus minus 1-2kg.  I drink Barley Green in the morning, for detoxification and a kind of supplement so that I can "output" what I have "input" daily.  LOL.... (Hope no one is eating while reading this...  quirky aunty!) 

And Yours Truly also does this.... every other day... alternate days.... or once in 3 days at least.... Let me sweat, Let me sweat like the song in Frozen... Let it go... Let it go.... 

I switched on to Youtube on the big screen, 
Turn up the volume then only got motivation....
and then.... 
Easy steps ... Walking Exercise.... 
Half an hour of Walk, Walk, Walk.... 
And the sweat keep coming down.... 
They have 20 minutes, 30 minutes and 40 minutes exercise...
I always opt for the 30 minutes... 
And dinner will be bigger portion after that!


  1. LOL! I have the same problem as you and some more mine started even before MCO wahahaha!!! Eat already, wanna eat some more. And then plan tomorrow what to eat. It is good that you keep up with exercise. This morning I was too lazy to do it >.<

  2. I still lazy to do exercise is dish washing and mopping floor. End story.

  3. Ah, this is the walking utub Nancy mentioned! Good exercise! Are those drinks to output what you input safe or not?

    1. Hi Mun, the barley green should be alright, my brother and uncle have been drinking for many years and my uncle is 90 plus this year! :p

  4. Wahhhhhh!!! So rajin! No wonder you have always maintained your No. 8 figure. Not like me, a big fat O! LOL!!!

  5. It is good to sweat and detox.

  6. Good for you! It is important that we keep up our walking and exercise while stuck inside.

  7. Lol! I thought I am the only one with a stretchable stomach, always having the urge to eat. I even started to crave for unhealthy snack/junk food. I know I have gained weight because I feel heavy and lazy even with the walking exercise. I think the input is more than the output. Lol!

  8. Before MCO, I used to do this. Turned on Youtube on my smart tv, went for aerobic or zumba. Now, with kids at home, I hardly can have tv to myself. Lol.


Thank you, readers!

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