Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Homemade Pizza The Easy Way


Many times my nephew suggested eating Pizza for dinner and I just make-don't-know... LOL.. *This auntie is very mean at times*  Firstly, I don't really like to eat pizza, too much dough and not enough ingredients.  Secondly, there are not many pizza restaurants in Ipoh, other than Domino and Pizza Hut, two of these unfortunately, are not my favourites... Some cafes do offer pizzas too but could be quite costly.  So.....

.... after a number of days, this auntie decided to take the "law" "pizza" into her own hands and tried making them using the easy way out.  LOL...  I took a drive to the nearest ingredient shop to get Mozzarella cheeze, sausages and canned pineapple, queued up at the 5 foot way for more than half an hour before it was finally my turn to go in.  Only 4 people max are allowed into the shop... and by the time I went in, I was already on the impatient mode.  I quickly grabbed the 3 things and then I knew the reason why the delay.  The cashier is an elderly lady (sorry, not meaning to complain against seniors) who was keying the items into the register box word by word... and I really have to salute her for being the most patient lady working in the shop!  She must be the lady boss, I am sure of that... and I am the impatient customer who fumed inside but still have to wait for my turn to pay.... aiyoh..... Ok, I won't go there again.... 

He said he wanted 5 pieces... 
Ok, I made six... one for myself... 
Easy to do but still I watched the youtube before I did these... 
1)  Spread butter on both sides of the bread
2)  Spread Prego sauce after that....
3)  I diced cauliflower and spread them on the bread...
4)  Followed by the sausages....
5)  Lastly the Mozzarella cheese...
(I forgot the pineapple cubes!)
Into the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees celsius....
Then only I realized that certain pieces do not have enough cheese.... 
Like this one.... chicken pieces... 
Anyway, overall, they were good enough for first try... LOL....
I ate one piece.... crispy and nice especially at the sides... 
At least one person was very happy...
He ate all the 5 pieces plus sausage...
The next time I do...
I put minced chicken and tuna...
and More Mozzarella Cheeze!


  1. I hope he really appreciated all you went through to make this for him. That is really love!!

  2. Wah, you are so nice to your nephew! He must love eating your home made pizza to eat all of his 5 pieces of bread. That piece you show can only see cheese but not sausages so not enough sausages or cheese? You are good, can bake home made pizza. Well done! Bravo!

  3. I have too much leftover bread in my fridge and will copy your idea. This nephew of yours have the teenager's diet to eat all 5 pieces!

    You mentioned old lady in the ingredients shop and here I also saw one old lady in the baking ingredients shop. She was slow but grumpy too.

  4. Eh, looks quite good. I also wanna try. Must go and but the mozzarella cheese first and also tomato sauce.

  5. Yes, looks good. I have bread, sausages and cheese in the house and I also want to try.

  6. Aha!!! You used bread. My missus also did that the other day, nice!

  7. Used to make this. A way to clear the bread. But long long time ago. And since Jamie is allergic to cheese, milk and egg, I don't order or make pizza. Haha. The older kids misses pizza.

  8. Wow, homemade pizza, i want to try tis next time!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...