Thursday, May 21, 2020

Steamed Rice With Pumpkin


I try to minimize my cooking to once a day... max... LOL.. I am so lazy these days.  Most of the time I cook only for dinner, with a heavy breakfast, I skip lunch.. *I try* but most times I end up taking bread instead. 

Yesterday in Ipoh, heavy rain and thunder plus hailstones!  But thankfully not in my area but certain parts of Ipoh... I was safe in my own house despite the howling wind, seriously howling, never heard such wooooo sounds so clearly before...but this morning when I woke up, I saw two small holes in my kitchen ceiling.  Oh oh... time to check for repairs... sigh... Today I saw the aftermath of the storm, Ipoh being terrorized by the storm is up on viral, really scary if I were driving in the midst of the heavy storm and wind. 

Back to my post..... I just cook a simple meal with half a pumpkin, minced meat, french beans, dried shrimps and red hot chillies...
Steamed pumpkin rice for the both of us.... 
The heavy rain did not stop me from having my desserts.... 
My kind-of-expression after my "fix"...


  1. I would be happy too after such fix. Long time didnt take BR ice cream. Used to enjoy its peppermint flavour.

  2. The young man managed to go your place in the heavy rain? No point wasting gas and electricity to cook so many times. Just cook more once a day. Can eat same food. It is ok.

  3. Will you be able to find someone who will come over to fix the roof? I hope it is not leaking!

  4. Ya read abt the storm in ipoh in facebook, hope all is well and safe and no injury. Lol, same as you, i would eat bread when lazy to think of wat to eat and lazy to takeaway. Repairing of ceiling should be considered as essential service rite, i hope you manage to get smone to repair it. Your steamed pumpkin rice with minced meat looks yummy and satisfying.

  5. Yes, I read about the storm. Terrible weather these days, global warming!!! We cook once a day, in the morning for lunch and dinner. Evening, we just heat up the food.

    1. Btw, your pumpkin rice looks very good! BR in Sibu, but we did have very nice yogurt ice cream for our lunch that day - yesterday's post in my blog.

  6. so shiok got baskin robbins!

  7. Your pumpkin dish looks very nice. Must try lah! LOL on your Baskin Robbins ice cream. That was the perfect espression!

  8. Delicious pumpkin rice and ice cream.

  9. This is such a good idea to cook rice with pumpkin. It will make the rice more fragrant and sweeter.

    You and I have same tastes for Baskin Robins ice creams!

  10. Haven't had any basking robbins ice cream for a long time. :D


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...