Thursday, June 18, 2020

Light Lunch From Bercham

BERCHAM DELIVERY AGAIN... This time we ordered from three different parts from Bercham, three different places but all in Bercham and she charged us an extra one ringgit which I readily agree to pay.  I feel it is very justified that I don't feel nice and I gave her more than what she charged.  My son also agreed that we should give her more, for being so accommodating as well.  And ended up her thanking us again and again for giving her support so often.  Oh my, some people are really nice!

So what did we order?  Nothing spectacular actually... We wanted more actually but the stall was not open, so we ended more only these.... 
Vegetarian noodles and 20 pieces of the fish balls...
Too bad the salted chicken and roasted pork stalls were not open yesterday...
These giant balls cost only RM1 each... 
On top of these, we also ordered 3 coconuts RM15
And a packet of Cendul RM3
All in, our lunch cost RM50 from Bercham.


  1. What's that? Yong tofu? I like!!! Love anything in clear soup!

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  2. You are so lucky that you have this nice lady who can do delivery from a few places. I would also give her a bit more for her effort.

  3. nice to have such personalised service. I wouldn't mind to pay her extra coz it saves me time and petrol to travel to different places for tapao.

  4. Wah so affordable. Only RM50. Yes I agree to pay her more. So tomorrow use her services to buy salted chicken and roast pork. Yum yummy!

  5. Yupe for such service it is ok to pay extra few bucks. :)


Thank you, readers!

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