Wednesday, June 3, 2020

My Expensive NUSKIN Skincare

CALL ME OLD SCHOOL AUNTY.... if not for my girl being an agent now, I have not heard of this brand before.... Maybe yours truly only buy from the shelves and brands which are sold in beauty salons.  It has been more than 3 months since aunty last went for a "facial" or massage.  Even my normal skincare is going to finish soon, I told my girl my dilemma and this afternoon, I received a box of these skincare.  NO la... it is not a surprise gift, she only helped me to order and deliver only...

Mama sendiri bayar one  ... *self paid*... paid from my own money.... hahahaa... 
This is the brand.... ever heard of it?
Will my skin be re-New... 
Cost me 4 digits... *faint*
And my full set to use on my face....
If I don't look 10 years younger after completion of this set, then that is it!
Should I put a "before" and "after" photo?
But then, this is not a sponsored post...
Unlesssss... Nu Skin is reading this post.....
See if my skin will be "new" with Nu Skin after this.... 


  1. Yes I have heard of this but I never use anything except plain face wash so I don't know how effective this is.

  2. I think I've seen the shop/office in the building of a leading hotel in town. Wahhhhh!!! Soon you will look younger and a lot more beautiful! LOL!!!

  3. Hope your facial skin will be good as new after using these products. You should keep the "before" and "after" photos to compare and then let us know.

  4. I have heard and seen this. Wow...very branded ler.

    Now you can look like a supermodel. :D

  5. Yes i had heard of this brand and they are known to be expensive.

  6. I used some of it. Hubby used to take its supplement and weight loss products.

  7. I have heard of this brand before. Let's see (in the near future)if your facial skin become glowy and smooth or not...hehehe


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...