Tuesday, June 2, 2020

My Failed Project In Baking Mini Egg Cakes

FAILED THIS TIME..... I don't know why, I follow exactly the ingredients and the method written in her website but it was not successful.  Something went wrong somewhere but I don't think I want to try it again.  This recipe is called Mini Egg Cake which is supposed to be soft, airy, light sponge cake but the way I made them, they turned out hard and crusty cake.   If I try again one day, I will half the portion... cos I like to eat these traditional egg cakes....

The Ingredients... 
No point putting the recipe here since I failed.. 
The portions of this recipe.... 
It looked very promising when I put them into the oven....
Even when they were in the baking process... they look good, aren't they?
I was so happy just by looking at the mini egg cakes in the tray.... 
And after they were let out... my heart sank.... 
The minute I took them out from the tray, I knew...
Hard at the top... 
Tak Jadi = Failed....
Now come to think of it, i think I know why...
Overbaked for these mini ones.... 
Is it possible? 
Whereas this big one... it was not as hard as the mini ones... 
Not a good sight... but still edible when it was still warm.... 
The texture looks alright, I ate two pieces...
But the next day, they were hard and dry....
Nevertheless they were all eaten up... no wastage...
My ever faithful furry member ate them all!


  1. The mini cakes look good though. Maybe they were overbaked. Sometimes it is like that, follow all the steps but did not jadi.

  2. I would eat them even though that they are hard. Just dunk them in Milo drinks to eat. Yummy!

  3. hard as in more like a crust? that would be nice! can dunk in tea/coffee/milo to eat! lagi sedap!

  4. Somehow when we follow the recipe, it never succeed. I also dont know why. Based on own instinct, you get it somehow.

  5. It looks good. Maybe it is meant to be eaten the same day, not to be kept to be eaten later. Well, at least you have been making lots of lovely cakes, I have been wanting to bake a simple plain butter cake and I have not done so. Scared it would be disastrous!!!

  6. You are such a good cook, this is not like you. I say it was a bad recipe!

  7. Yes, they look good. Too bad they were so disappointing. I laughed at your comment about your furry friend eating it all up.

  8. Well overall I still think that they look really good, no?

  9. At least you are better than me, i cannot even bake a single cake or make bread.

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  11. I am 100% sure that the temperature of your oven does not tally with the knob that you set. I even know some expert chefs in big hotels who need to use a separate thermometer to check the inside heat of their ovens.

    This CNY recently, I tried to bake my famous chocolate chips cookies again which I learnt while in US. My Italian housemate taught me so. I failed 2 rounds of baking and threw them away as I have no furry friend to help me. LOL

    The 3rd round was a success after readjusting the heat and recipe just to suit our local climate. It sounds strange but necessary. I used to bake during Winters in US, so the cold kitchen room produced different results compared to the warm kitchen in Malaysia. Good luck Claire.


Thank you, readers!

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